Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 2012 Update


Imagine their shock when policemen burst into the church building, in the middle of the Sunday morning service, and hauled pastor Manuel and Loli’s two teenaged sons, Kevin and Isaac, plus another youth from the platform, where they were doing a skit. “What are you doing, officers? Where are you taking them?” Manuel followed them out of the sanctuary, with the baffled crowd in tow. The policemen insisted that these boys had just committed a robbery and jumped over the wall into the church yard. The boys were treated very roughly by the police, to the point that Manuel feared for their lives. He told them, “No, sirs, you’re mistaken. These are my sons and all three of these boys have been here at the service all morning.” The officers didn’t believe him and began dragging them by their hair, arms twisted behind them, towards the police car. “Please, take me, instead. Do anything you want to me. Just don’t hurt my boys!” It was not until he was willing to put himself in harm’s way, that they were at last convinced that Manuel was telling the truth. They finally released them and left.


Another Sunday, a young man came into the church in the middle of the service and insisted that Manuel give him 500 lempiras (about $25). “I don’t have 500 lempiras, but I can take up an offering for you at the end of the service.” The young man insisted that he needed the money right away, and began getting agitated. At that point, another young man, who had recently begun to attend the church, upon witnessing the scene, left and returned a few minutes later, with some well known, local gang members. Through the gate, the gang members insisted to pastor Manuel that he hand over the young man who had been harrassing him. They would “take care of him.” They told him they had been observing Manuel over the last few weeks and were pleased with his work in the community, so they were there to protect him. Manuel, knowing that they would kill the intruder without a second thought, pleaded with the gang, and managed to convince them that they were misinformed and that they need not “take care” of him. After they left, the terrified young intruder sat quietly at the back of the sanctuary, still shaking from the near death incident. He quickly exited at the end of the service and never returned.


These are just two of the common hair-raising episodes that have occurred recently at the church plant in Rivera Hernandez. We are all witnessing the mighty hand of the Omnipotent defending his children, and can testify that His mercies are truly new every morning. Please continue to pray for protection for pastor Manuel, Loli, and their children, that they might continue to have a great impact on this needy community. Danger lurks at every turn in this massive shanty town, but this pastoral family has learned to walk by faith daily, face the death threats head on, and bask in our Lord’s extravagant love for them. May His name be exalted forever! Nothing is too difficult for the Lord of Hosts!


Robert was supposedly only accompanying the four pastors to the prison in Santa Barbara, to see first hand what prison ministry was like, and because they had no means of transportation. After a two hour drive, it was he who preached to the enthusiastic crowd of Christian inmates and sang them a song. He encouraged them in their walk with God and challenged them to commit to intercessory prayer for missionaries around the world. They were amazed to hear stories of the martyrs and the persecuted church in other parts of the world, and were thrilled with Robert’s idea of putting up a world map in their cell, so they could pray for their brethren while laying hands on the map. It was an incredible experience for both him and the inmates whom he hopes to revisit soon. Meanwhile, one of the other pastors led eight other convicts to the Lord in another cell.

This month we may have two children’s ministry seminars. One in Tegucigalpa, the capital, and one in San Pedro Sula. Please pray for God to use us that His people may be well trained to reach children for Christ.

We praise God for Roxanne’s birthday in February, our 21st anniversary on March 9th, and David’s 14th birthday on March 28. The Lord is gracious and merciful, abounding in love.

May you be strengthened and blessed, as you seek His face daily!

We want to encourage you with Isa. 35:3-4.

Serving Him with gratefulness,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna