Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Grego Gazette - July, 2014

Looking back on our last letter in February, we realize so much has changed in just a few short months. Our world has been turned upside down, literally. Our family is once again Southbound.

Robert and Davids trip to Costa Rica in March was supposed to be only three weeks long, as Robert was to get paperwork done for his Canadian residency, and also researching some possibilities for the future, while David was going to enjoy his 16th birthday away from the bitter Canadian winter. God had other plans, however. Robert barely got off the plane and was being offered jobs. Its not everyday that you get offered a job where you are hired at the highest level, doing what you do best (interpreting)! He was also hired on the spot as an emergency substitute teacher at an American high school just outside San José. So he ended up working two full-time jobs for a month! Now hes back to only one, working evenings as an English-Spanish video medical interpreter, serving hospitals in USA, from a call center in Costa Rica. Hes also back into ministry with Christ for the City and being asked by several friends to consider helping with church planting. Ahhh! To be back into ministry and the latin culture and language! David was thrilled to be back in his tropical home country and was being touched by God. Robert submitted Roxanne’s resumé to three American Christian schools and all three are offering her a teaching position. It soon became clear that our time in Canada was coming to a close. God saw our great financial struggle in Canada, heard our plea, and relocated us. We did see His provision for our two main goals in Canada: our childrens citizenship and securing a permanent and safe living arrangement for Roxannes mom.

But, wait a minute, you say. What about the plan to set up a Christ For the City office in Ontario, Canada, that you talked about in the last letter? When we discussed this at length with the directors of Canada and the President of the organization, they agreed that it is the best thing for our family to be in Costa Rica at this time, after two challenging years in Canada. We will be in ministry there, just like we always have. But we will be self-supported through the call center and school jobs that God has provided, at least for now. There is so much to do there and the doors are wide open for us. Roxanne will once more be dedicated full-time to her passion: investing herself in the lives of school children, while sharing and modeling the love of Christ to them! Of course she will have many opportunities to minister to parents and teachers as well!

Resigning, Repacking, Rushing…!
Roxanne submitted her resignation at her desk job in London, Ontario and is diligently working on packing and selling everythingagain!

Juliannas school year culminated in a four-day trip and then graduation. She looked lovely! She is sad to be leaving her school and youth group friends. Shes happy to return to her tropical homeland, though, as long as she can take her cat with her! Some generous friends helped cover the cost of Roberts plane ticket, so he could come up for a week for Julis graduation! He also had a chance to see his dad briefly, who was RVing through Northern USA and stopped through Niagara Falls to meet up with us. The call center in Costa Rica made an exception and granted Robert the one-week leave to fly up to Canada! God is goodall the timeand His ways and timing are always perfect (though He may often take us by surprise)!

Relatives and Reflections!
Roxanne is cramming in final visits with family members and friends. In July alone she will celebrate her sister-in-laws baby shower and her nieces, have a weekend getaway with her sisters, visit her brother, sister-in-law, and niece, four hours North in their new home, not to mention visits with her mother and aunt.  Julianna, her cat, and Roxanne travel back to Costa Rica on July 29th, closing yet another chapter in our adventures with God.

We are grateful for all the wonderful people who have been supportive to us in Canada. Family and friends, brothers and sisters in Christ from different churches, generously sharing their belongings, providing a place to live, or a helping hand, or finances. We couldnt have done it without you! Thanks for allowing our gracious heavenly Father work through you! May God bless you all a hundredfold!

Please continue to pray for us as we readjust to life in Costa Rica. Pray for David to get the schooling he needs, for Juli to catch up on her Spanish and make new friends, and for a place to live. One thing we all agree on, we wont miss the long, hard winters of Canada!

In His Care,
Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna