Friday, December 30, 2016

December, 2016 Update

As this last quarter of 2016 comes to a close, we give thanks to the Lord Almighty for His continued provision and guidance in our lives. Robert continues to teach private English classes and do translations. Roxanne continues to teach first grade at Sojourn Academy and really enjoys it. She has also had great fun making furniture for our home in her spare time. Julianna is doing well in tenth grade and in her classes on Saturdays, where she has been learning about facials, make-up, hair-dos, and hair dying so far. We even had the chance to get away and enjoy the beach for a couple of days.
A N D… we celebrated our Silver Wedding Anniversary this year!  We thank God for His faithfulness; for 1/4 century together!

We look ahead to 2017 with expectation, waiting on the Lord to lead us into more ministry. Robert has been working hard preparing to teach a class on Eschatology I at Harvest Bible University, beginning in January. We also hope to begin a home Bible study group through our church in this new year. Finally, we are in anticipation of a possible full-time ministry position for Robert, for which he would have to raise support. Should he get the position, you will be receiving a more detailed explanation at that time. Please be in prayer with us with regards to the Lord’s leading for this job.


We also look forward with great anticipation to the birth of our third grandchild. David and Ashley are expecting again. The due date is exactly one year to the day after Adryanna! We will know in a couple of weeks time whether the Lord will bless us with our first grandson or another princess to join the ranks with Gabriella and Adryanna. We are thankful for God’s provision for a job for David and for how the Lord is working in his and Ashley's lives to draw them closer to Himself.
Please know that we are grateful for your prayers for us. May the amazing Prince of Peace fill you with His peace which surpasses all understanding and contagious joy to overflowing. Glory to God in the Highest and may His peace be upon many on Earth!  May Emmanuel bless you this Christmas season and throughout this new year with a fresh sense of His presence and anointing!

Robert, Roxanne, & our growing family