Friday, December 31, 2021

December, 2021

  September and October passed by like a blur. We spent those months in the vacant apartment of a friend, free of charge, enjoying the pool, and the safe surroundings. It was a huge blessing. We had the joy of the visits of Robert’s sister, Fiorella, and brother, Tony, and even took a trip out to the beach. Other than that, our time was spent seeking the Lord for guidance and making contacts. November found us in another temporary apartment, searching for something more permanent, which we finally found in December.

  Robert continues to teach his Friday night on-line course on Genesis. We’ve been visiting students from this class in their homes to get to know them, minister to them, and answer their questions. It’s been a wonderful blessing. Robert has also been helping with translating at our bilingual church, Union Church. In order to bring some income into the house, he has taken on the challenge of selling household cleaning products, besides teaching an online English class and doing some translating of documents and a Christian book.

  Roxanne has been asked to join the teaching staff at Sojourn Academy as the first and second grade English and Bible teacher in January. Until that time, she is keeping busy with organizing the house, helping to sell cleaning products at fairs for entrepreneurs, and writing the fourth book in her murder mystery series. Book three is being edited and should be out by the beginning of next year at the latest.

  Julianna struggles daily with being here in Costa Rica. Her destination was Brazil and this was just a stepping stone to get her necessary documents. She will be starting to work at a call center in January after her training this month. Please pray that she will make new friends and can find enjoyment in her job.

  We are so grateful that David is doing very well health-wise, spiritually, and at his construction job. Thank you for your prayers for him.

  Just before Christmas, we finally settled into our new rental home, and were able to decorate a bit for the holidays. Last year, the three of us were lonely and had no Christmas day celebration. No special food, no family gathering, no gifts, no decorations. Nothing. Juli was alone in her apartment in Canada and the two of us in our room in Brazil. We are grateful that it was better this year, being together with our daughter and spending a bit of time with cousins and friends here.

  We trust that you enjoyed your Christmas and New Year’s with friends and family, rejoicing in the first coming of our Lord Jesus. Gifts are nice. Special treats on the table are always good! But our focus is the One who is the cause of our celebration, our Saviour, who brought joy and peace that first Christmas over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem, and continues to shine His light and love into our hearts. He is the reason for the season. May He wrap His arms of love around you and yours as you celebrate His gifts of forgiveness, peace, joy, and eternal life. God bless you all!

Robert & Roxanne