Thursday, August 5, 2010

June - July, 2010

“Home is where you hang your hat”, is a popular and true refrain. We enjoyed our furlough in Canada and Pennsylvania, but it is good to “hang our hats” again here in Honduras! Roxanne’s sister’s wedding was beautiful. We were able to spend quality time with each of her siblings, mother, and with friends. The kids even participated in a week-long Christian day camp. We shared in our supporting churches. It was indeed a blessed time! But we are grateful to be “home”! We were gone May 15 to July 14.

No sooner did we arrive but David was off to school, taking a summer math course to brush up on this troublesome subject! He will begin the seventh grade on Aug. 24th. He has been finishing up his last few homeschooling assignments as well, since we didn’t get as much work done on the road as we had hoped! Julianna will continue to homeschool with Mommy for fourth grade.

It was a joy to visit with Pastor Manuel and Loli Bonilla to hear of what God has been doing in our absence at the church plant in Rivera Hernandez. Before leaving on our trip, Robert had expressed his desire to reach out to the other pastors in that precarious community and pray together. Manuel took that to heart and started attending a biweekly meeting with the Fraternity of Pastors of Rivera Hernandez, which now meets in our facility! Robert was blessed to be able to speak to these fellow servants at the meeting in July, about how united prayer can break down the violence of their community, citing the example we experienced years ago in Medellin, Colombia. They were encouraged and challenged to be more united and fervent in prayer for the community and each other. Robert also preached the following Sunday sermon there.

Loli started a women’s Bible study on Thursday afternoons during our absence. She was eager for Roxanne to share with the group. Roxanne spoke to a group of 27 women on using our spiritual armor (Eph. 6).

Robert has also had several planning meetings with Pastor Oscarito from Choloma and the director of the school there. He preached at, and participated in, an all-night prayer vigil to finish off the month.

We are looking forward to a team coming Aug. 9 to help set up the kid’s library in Rivera Hernandez. They will help build the necessary counter and shelves as well as paint to get it ready for us. These Americans also have planned to do children’s programs. We will be aiding them however we can, including translating. Please pray for their safety and that this will be a great time of blessing for them and the community.

September will be a very special month. Our little girl will have reached a double-digit age on the sixth. The big highlight will be her Daddy, though, who will be reaching half a century! Be sure to remember him on Sept. 10th!

As always, we urge you to keep us in your prayers. Safety and finances seem to be at the top of our list these days! Pray, too, for His continued leading in all that we do, that He might be glorified through us. Our prayer is that His blessings be poured out upon you and that His name be lifted high through your lives as well.

Serving our Lord with gladness,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna Grego

1 comment:

  1. I found it! Good job on the site. I realize that earlier I was getting the pictures and thought there was text under them that I was missing. I realize now that I just didn't scroll down far enough to get the newsletter. Thanks for the tip!
    Hugs to all. We miss you.
    Nancy M.
