Friday, May 25, 2012

June 2012 Update

Paperwork Roundup
For the past year we have been sending updates regarding our future move North as a family.  We have prayerfully considered our need for an extended leave for rest, recovery, recharging our batteries, and refunding. We have sought the counsel of seasoned, mature pastors and missionaries who have lived through similar situations. So, as our initial paperwork package finally came together, the Lord would have it coincide with Roxanne’s youngest brother’s wedding, and the simultaneous expiration of our Honduran resident visas, driver’s license, and credit card. Time to make the move? We feel this is the Lord’s timing for us. We are taking a much needed extended furlough, or sabbatical year, for the first time in over two decades of ministry overseas, bringing closure to our time in Honduras and seeking the Lord’s direction for the future.
Preparing for our New Life 
Besides the time we have already spent in May visiting family and enjoying Roxanne’s brother’s beautiful wedding day in Canada, our summer will include debriefing sessions, camp for the kids, a big family reunion, and visiting supporting churches. Robert will travel to Costa Rica in June to get a new driver’s license and then to Honduras to finish selling our cars and belongings, before rejoining Roxanne and the kids in Canada. We hope to make a trip to Pittsburgh in July as well, to touch base with supporters there. Please pray for our safety this summer with all the traveling around we need to do, and for the wrap up in Honduras.
Camping Kids
We are very grateful for the opportunity the kids have to go to camp because of the missionary scholarships they have received. Beginning July 22, David will be spending two weeks at Camp Mini-Yo-We on a canoe trip, and Juli will have a one-week adventure at Circle Square Ranch, enjoying horseback riding. Please pray for their safety and for a great camp experience.
Thank you so much for standing in the gap with us, before the Throne of Grace, during this time of transition.
Your partners in the King’s service,
Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna 

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