Monday, March 1, 2021

The Grego Gazette - March 2021

   We hit the ground running in Brazil upon returning from our brief trip to Costa Rica. Since our sponsor (Ted Kerr) was in Brazil at the time, we had a stream of meetings for several days, with Robert translating. One such meeting was with a lawyer, in order to set up a new association as a legal umbrella for several new ministries, which we trust God will use to impact many lives in this region. Robert will be serving as director of a Community Development ministry, which will provide irrigation systems to low-end farmers of this large, arid region. Each farmer will commit to blessing back the association with a tithe of their multiplied produce for the ongoing care programs of the neediest families in their towns. Below is a picture of our meeting with Cicero, who will be working full time to identify qualified candidates, oversee the installation of the irrigation systems, and follow up on their partnership. Robert will meet with Cicero and the farmers on a regular basis to assess their progress, as well as study the Bible with them. Pray for wisdom for Robert and Cicero as they build relationships with these farmers and provide various types of support to their families. Pray also for guidance in all the necessary paperwork for the association to be set up as quickly as possible.

   Another branch of the said association has to do with the Christian elementary school. We are looking for a property to build on, as we have outgrown the small Sunday School area of a local church. Pray for the ideal location and wisdom in the design and construction of the school, as well as a smooth transition from its current location. Jiliani is the director of the school, where Roxanne will be helping them set up a library, and where we will provide English lessons for the teachers and the community.

   Robert will be starting a men’s Bible study group in March in our home, together with Gleidson, the Brazilian pastor/missionary of the church where we are currently serving. Pray for the men who will be attending Monday nights, that God would prepare their hearts, and for Robert and Gleidson, as they challenge and encourage them.

   The ballet ministry will start up again in March. Besides praying for the girls’ spiritual growth, remember their mothers in prayer. Jiliani and Roxanne plan on reaching out to their mothers in March and to disciple those who make decisions for Christ.

   On a personal note, we ask for prayer for our son, David, who is now separated from his wife and misses his girls terribly. May the Lord strengthen him and draw him closer to Himself. Please pray for our daughter, Julianna, who desires to come live with us here in Brazil, once her lease runs out and she pays off her school debt. Not only would we need to get her a student or work visa here, but we also need to get our own residency. Pray for guidance in all the necessary documentation. Finally, we thank our Lord for thirty years of marriage, which we will be celebrating on March 9th here in Brazil. May the Lord continue to strengthen and bond us as we serve him together in this great nation.

   We are so grateful to God for the local leadership team we work with here in Brazil, and for you and our wonderful team of prayer warriors up North. May the Lord continue to use this multicultural team to bring Him glory, as He expands and cultivates His Kingdom here in Northeast Brazil. Thy Kingdom come!

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