Saturday, July 31, 2021

August, 2021

   The angels rejoice in heaven over our five neighbourhood friends who eagerly accepted the invitation to have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life! It is such a joy to see the excitement of Jair, Liliani, Carlos, Katiana, and Luzinete, as they learn from the Scriptures when we meet weekly for coffee and Bible study. Please keep them in your prayers, that they would solidify their faith in Christ.

   Our precious ballet “princesses” were challenged to have a balanced life in Christ this past month by reading the Bible, praying, and fellowshipping. The next lesson will be about sharing their faith with others. Continue to pray for their growth as believers. A few of their mothers accepted Christ with Roxanne on July 17th when she gave them a clear Gospel presentation. May the Lord increase their desire for Him above all else. We are thankful that the Lord is increasing the team members both in the ballet program and on the worship team. May He lead these participants into a deeper walk with Him as a result of their participation in the leadership.

   Robert and Jiliani (she’s the school director and pastor’s wife) have been visiting local businesses to encourage the owners to contribute to the church’s food basket program for the needy families of the community. Several have accepted the challenge. They will continue to visit business owners until they have sufficient for 80 families.

   We have also been visiting pastors and their wives to cast the vision of a pastors’ association. We have so enjoyed meeting these servants of God, but realize it is a challenge to bring them together, something they are not accustomed to doing. Pray that they will see the need to pray together and encourage one another, that their unity will cause the city of Vera Cruz to be impacted for the Kingdom.

   Teaching Robert’s Friday night online course on Genesis in Spanish brings great joy to us and to the students. Roxanne also had the chance to teach at a local woman’s Bible study, both in Vera Cruz and in Caruaru, where Robert preached again. Two of the women from the Vera Cruz study approached Roxanne later to tell her that the Lord had really spoken to them through her Bible teaching.

   Please pray for each of these groups of people that God has put in our paths, that they would be built up in the faith. We appreciate your prayers for us as we continue to share the Word of God among the Brazilian people. If you would like to contribute financially to this ministry, please message us. Thank you!

   In His grateful service,

Robert and Roxanne

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

   Ahora tenemos acceso diario a un carro y estamos muy emocionados que muchas cosas están reabriendo (incluyendo las iglesias) aquí en Vera Cruz, luego de cierres recurrentes. Por favor oren con nosotros por nuestras próximas visitas a los pastores de nuestro pueblo, con el fin de desarrollar amistad con ellos. Nuestra meta es formar una fraternidad de pastores en esta área, a través de la cual ellos puedan animarse, apoyarse y orar unos por otros. También planeamos ofrecer talleres de capacitación al liderazgo de sus congregaciones.

   ¡Las niñas del programa de ballet “Pasos de Princesas” están disfrutando mucho de nuestros encuentros con ellas! El 17 de junio enfatizamos la importancia de memorizar la Escritura. Y el 1º de julio les hablamos sobre la importancia de reunirnos en compañerismo cristiano. Por favor continúen orando por el crecimiento espiritual de ellas. Agradecemos a Dios por Joseane, ¡quien se ofreció como voluntaria recientemente para ayudarnos y está disfrutando mucho el poder servir al Señor en formas nuevas que nunca había ni imaginado antes!

   Roxanne y Jiliani también auspiciaron su tarde de café con una docena de madres de las niñas de ballet. Roxanne habló sobre cómo Dios las creó y les ha dado la opción de obedecerlo o elegir su propio camino. Después ellas “crearon” unas manualidades artísticas que se llevaron consigo a sus casas para recordar la obra creativa de Dios en sus vidas. Oremos por estas madres, para que elijan seguir a Jesús. Nuestra próxima tarde con estas madres será el 17 de julio.

   ¡El curso en línea de Genesis que Robert está dando en español está creciendo cada semana, conforme sus animados alumnos continúan contándole a otros! Ya tiene casi 30 estudiantes que se conectan cada viernes en la noche (¡de 9:30 a 11:30 pm, hora brasileña!). El espera pronto tener su curso traducido al portugués, para poder ofrecerlo a grupos de brasileños.

   Las dos familias vecinas, con las cuales hemos estado tomando café y estudiando la Biblia, finalmente se han recuperado del Covid19 y están listas para reanudar nuestras reuniones semanales de estudio bíblico. Ya nos reunimos con una de las parejas el 3 de julio en su casa, y nos animó ver que la hermana de ella llegó a tomar café, junto con su esposo, ¡y expresaron que les gustaría acompañarnos a estudiar la Biblia con sus parientes!

   Luego de un arduo trabajo por parte de Roxanne y su equipo de edición y asesoría, ¡parece que su segundo libro de la serie sobre investigación forense saldrá publicado el mes próximo!  Estén atentos al título (solo en inglés por ahora), Eyes Wide Open. ¡Si aún no has leído su primer libro, High-Profile Murder, está disponible en Amazon.

   Agradecemos mucho sus oraciones. ¡Que nuestro Señor Jesucristo los continúe bendiciendo con su paz y gozo!

Robert y Roxanne

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

July, 2021

   We now have daily access to a car and we are very excited that things (including churches) are opening up more here in Vera Cruz, after extended or recurring lockdowns. Please pray as we begin visiting pastors to develop relationships with them. Our goal is to start a pastoral association in this area, through which they can encourage, support, and pray for one another. We also plan to offer training seminars to their church leadership.

   Our ballet princesses enjoy our encounters so much! On June 17, we emphasized memorizing Scripture. Then on July 1st, we talked about the importance of fellowship. Please continue to pray for their spiritual growth. We are thankful for Joseane who recently volunteered to join our team and is taking great pleasure in serving the Lord in ways she never imagined!

   Roxanne and Jiliani also did an afternoon coffee with a dozen of the girls’ mothers. Roxanne spoke about how God created them and has given them a choice to obey Him or choose their own path. They then “created” some artwork to take home to remember His creative work in their lives. Pray for the mothers, that they will make the choice to follow Him. Our next afternoon with the mothers will be Saturday, July 17.

   Robert’s online Genesis class in Spanish grows every week, as excited students tell others! He has almost thirty students every Friday evening (9:30 – 11:30 pm Brazilian time!). Soon he expects to translate all his power points into Portuguese, so he can also teach it to Brazilian audiences.

   The two neighboring families, with whom we have been having coffee and studying the Bible, have finally recovered from a bout with Covid19, and are ready to resume our weekly fellowship and Bible study meetings. We met with one of them on July 3rd at their house, and we were encouraged when the gal’s sister and her husband showed up for coffee and said they’d like to join us to study the Bible with their relatives!

After much hard work on behalf of Roxanne and her book team, it looks like book two in her series of cozy murder mysteries will be coming out this month! Be on the lookout for Eyes Wide Open! If you haven’t read her first book, High-Profile Murder, it is available on Amazon.

We are grateful for your prayers. May the Lord bless you all with His peace and joy!

Robert and Roxanne