Tuesday, July 6, 2021

July, 2021

   We now have daily access to a car and we are very excited that things (including churches) are opening up more here in Vera Cruz, after extended or recurring lockdowns. Please pray as we begin visiting pastors to develop relationships with them. Our goal is to start a pastoral association in this area, through which they can encourage, support, and pray for one another. We also plan to offer training seminars to their church leadership.

   Our ballet princesses enjoy our encounters so much! On June 17, we emphasized memorizing Scripture. Then on July 1st, we talked about the importance of fellowship. Please continue to pray for their spiritual growth. We are thankful for Joseane who recently volunteered to join our team and is taking great pleasure in serving the Lord in ways she never imagined!

   Roxanne and Jiliani also did an afternoon coffee with a dozen of the girls’ mothers. Roxanne spoke about how God created them and has given them a choice to obey Him or choose their own path. They then “created” some artwork to take home to remember His creative work in their lives. Pray for the mothers, that they will make the choice to follow Him. Our next afternoon with the mothers will be Saturday, July 17.

   Robert’s online Genesis class in Spanish grows every week, as excited students tell others! He has almost thirty students every Friday evening (9:30 – 11:30 pm Brazilian time!). Soon he expects to translate all his power points into Portuguese, so he can also teach it to Brazilian audiences.

   The two neighboring families, with whom we have been having coffee and studying the Bible, have finally recovered from a bout with Covid19, and are ready to resume our weekly fellowship and Bible study meetings. We met with one of them on July 3rd at their house, and we were encouraged when the gal’s sister and her husband showed up for coffee and said they’d like to join us to study the Bible with their relatives!

After much hard work on behalf of Roxanne and her book team, it looks like book two in her series of cozy murder mysteries will be coming out this month! Be on the lookout for Eyes Wide Open! If you haven’t read her first book, High-Profile Murder, it is available on Amazon.

We are grateful for your prayers. May the Lord bless you all with His peace and joy!

Robert and Roxanne

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