Thursday, September 30, 2021

August - September, 2021

The month of August found Roxanne buried in books at the Vera Cruz library! She gave Fatima, the volunteer librarian, a crash course in library organization using the Dewey Decimal System. Several mornings a week she went there to help Fatima reorganize all the books. It’s a huge job, even for a small library, but it was very rewarding to contribute to the town in this way.

Our month was filled with weekly worship leading, Bible studies, ballet girls’ programs, another evangelistic program with more ballet mothers accepting Christ, a Father’s Day program, as well as Robert preaching one Sunday at the church in Vera Cruz.

As this full month of ministry came to an end, so did our time in Vera Cruz. The church, Bible study groups, neighbours, and the ballet girls had tearful farewell gatherings for us. Unfortunately, things did not work out as expected with our sponsor organization. Also, our residency fell through and, because of the incompetence of the lawyer, the Brazilian immigration will charge us $4,000 in fines upon our return to Brazil! We arrived in Costa Rica on Sept. 3rd, and our return date to Brazil is unknown. If and when we go back to Brazil, it would be under another organization. We have received an invitation to shepherd a small congregation in the outskirts of the city of Caruaru, as well as training leaders to reach their community for Christ. Should the Lord open that door, we would need to raise monthly support, one-time gifts for the move, house furniture, and a car, as well paying the hefty immigration fine, not to mention beginning the expensive residency process all over again.

We are very thankful for the time we had in Brazil. We absolutely loved being in Vera Cruz and will really miss the town and its people. Now that we are back in Costa Rica, we are seeking His face for wisdom for the next step. But God provided our needs in an unexpected manner during this time of massive shutdowns due to the pandemic, to be very blessed and to be a blessing. We have gained new friends, converts, experiences, language, and a love for this beautiful country, as well as Roxanne’s lumbar hernia surgery (which costs five times as much in Costa Rica!). Roxanne also published her second book during the lockdown! Now we await God’s guidance with gratitude in our hearts. Please join us in prayer during this time of transition.


We are also grateful that we were unable to sell all our appliances and furniture! Now we know why! Upon our return to Costa Rica, we had almost everything we needed to set up house. And family and friends have stepped up to encourage us and help provide what we were lacking! Even Robert’s very old car, which a cousin had stored for us, is still running! God is good!

Our daughter Julianna joined us here in Costa Rica the day after our arrival, moving from Canada. The idea was for her to continue on with us to Brazil. Please pray for her transition as well, considering that her plans have also been affected by this turn of events. May the Lord open new doors for her, according to His perfect plan.

David spent a week in the hospital attached to an IV with antibiotics, as he struggled to survive a severe “strep throat” infection. The Lord provided some “angels” in the form of a couple from the church we had attended in St. Thomas, to take David into their home and nurse him back to health. He had lost 57 pounds due to his inability to keep food down. Finally, after several weeks, he has regained his appetite and his energy and even got a new job this week as a welder. He has drawn closer to God as a result of this experience. So, as difficult as it was, we are thankful! Please pray for his complete recovery and for his spiritual growth.

We are grateful for you all, for your friendship and prayers. May the Lord continue to bless you and shine His face upon you!

Robert & Roxanne

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