Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Grego Gazette, July 2022

We have been in our new rental home for six months now and finally were able to buy a couch last month. We look forward to having visitors and leading Bible studies now that people have someplace to sit!

Robert finished translating a Christian book called The Drama of Discipleship and hopes to begin translating another one soon. He finished teaching his online course on Genesis and began another one on Eschatology with over thirty students. Our plan is for him have two or three classes going throughout the week. The students find out about his courses by word of mouth. He hopes to offer his courses in both English and Portuguese as well. Though he offers these courses free of charge, some grateful students are willing to support him, so he can devote himself full time to the ministry.

Roxanne had a challenging but blessed semester teaching first and second grade English, Bible, and Science. The school year culminated with her witnessing the graduation of the kindergarteners who will become her students in September and of the sixth graders who were her first-grade students five years ago! She is happy now to be at Spearhead 50th anniversary celebrations in Mexico City, and will take advantage of her visit there to see friends and give a training seminar. Do keep her in your prayers for safe travels and for wisdom as she teaches on Saturday, July 16.

David continues to struggle with overcoming the depression caused by his separation from his wife and children. Please keep him in your prayers, that he will come out victorious and stronger in the Lord than ever before. Pray for his daughters during this transition time. Though he has a job, he has had a hard time finding a place to live, spending all his earnings and much of ours living in a hotel. Pray he finds a place soon and that people will come alongside him to encourage him. He longs for a suitable place where he can have his girls come to live with him.

Julianna put up with being yelled at constantly at her call centre job for four months, and she finally quit when God opened the door for a job at a travel agency. She is so happy at her new job, which has a much better working environment. Continue to pray that she will be drawn to the Lord and become the woman of God she is meant to be.

Thank you for your prayers for our family. Please let us know how we can pray for you! May the Lord bless you all!

In His service,

Robert and Roxanne

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