Saturday, June 3, 2023

May-June, 2023

We have kept busy as the halfway mark of 2023 approaches. Robert’s English students have increased simply by word of mouth. Just this past month he has taken on three more young professionals. He is up to nine weekly, private ESL classes! He has been translating a book by Pastor Gale Kragt, from Michigan, called God Moments. There are a couple more books, by different authors, waiting in line to be translated. He has also been teaching an online course on Eschatology on Wednesday nights. And he is part of the weekly interpreting team at the bilingual church where we attend.

Roxanne gave notice at her school that she will not continue next year, as she has been very tired. Taking melatonin at night has helped her to sleep, thank God. She will probably do more tutoring and teaching online English so that she can also have time to do ministry and write. Despite her exhaustion and extra work, she has managed to finish her book called Seeds of Blessing. It is now available on Amazon (link below)! Be sure to get your copy, as it will encourage you to be a channel of blessing to many others around you! One great way to multiply people who bless others is by sending this book as a gift to friends and coworkers.

Please continue to pray for our children to be drawn closer to Jesus.

Roxanne will be going up to Canada to visit David and the granddaughters once school is finished in mid-June. Please pray for traveling mercies and for her to be an encouragement to David, who has been very depressed. Because all of his ID had been stolen, he hasn’t been able to get a job nor access his money from his bank account. It has been another difficult year for him.

We hope that 2023 has been going well for you thus far! May the Lord continue to bless you all as you trust in Him.

In Christ's brotherly love,

Robert and Roxanne

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