Tuesday, October 5, 2010

September 2010


Like father, like son, the saying goes. As the new school year started, David quickly made friends in seventh grade and was voted in as president of his class. Two days later, Robert was voted in as president of the parents’ association! This is going to be one crazy school year! Robert continues his masters studies in Christian Leadership, studying the book of Isaiah this semester, and Roxanne is homeschooling Julianna (grade 4).


Celebrations abound around our house in September. Julianna turned 10 on Sept. 6 and we held a fun party at home with some of her closer friends. Then, on Sept. 10, Robert turned 50 and we gathered some of his closer Honduran pastor friends to join us in thanking God for this milestone. Lastly, Sept. 15 is Independence Day for five Central American nations, so we traveled to Tegucigalpa to join in on the festivities at the Costa Rican embassy. We took advantage of the holiday to visit various pastors on the way back, whom we don’t get to see very often.


The room was buzzing with talk and laughs as the parents and teachers of the little school at the Choloma church tried to win their “people bingo” at our first “school for parents” workshop. Then they listened attentively and participated with enthusiasm, as we led them in a Bible study regarding their responsibilities as parents. It was a very pleasant and encouraging evening for all.

Over 40 enthusiastic leaders received Robert’s teaching on “Characteristics of a Biblically Successful Leader” in a church in Rio Blanquito on September 26th. It is one of the nine daughter churches of the one in Choloma where we attend.

New Stuff!

We’ve had several meetings with some leaders that God has placed in our path, regarding future ministry among youth. We’ve had a growing burden to start a youth group that would be similar to the one Robert attended when he came to Christ, that we might reach many teens in this city. Robert has also had meetings regarding the possibility of teaching biblical principles and values in businesses, using a new book published by Professionals to the World, the organization for which he has translated in the universities for several years. Please pray with us for God’s guidance in these two new avenues of ministry.


The last day of September and the first two of October found us enjoying the fellowship of other missionaries here in Honduras at the Annual Missionary Family Retreat. Our speaker, Roy Comrie, from Zimbabwe, was inspiring and challenging. David and Julianna were thrilled with the rare opportunity to play with other missionary kids from all over Honduras. The only down side of the whole weekend was when Juli tripped and fell, scraping her face from chin to forehead, and chipping a tooth. Thankfully, she didn’t break her nose. Please pray for her quick healing without scars.


Please remember Robert in your prayers in October as he heads to Cape Town, South Africa. Pray for traveling mercies and for strength, energy, and wisdom as he translates each day during this strategic and historic event. He will be gone from October 10th until the 29th. Pray, too, for Roxanne and the kids as they stay behind in Honduras.


And we mustn’t forget this beautiful but violence-ridden country in our prayers. This month senseless massacres have occurred, which leaves family members reeling in pain. Not to mention the incessant rains, which have caused terrible flood damage.

We are thankful for your prayers, which sustain us in this needy place. The Lord is answering them and keeping us safe. Please, keep ‘em coming!

In His hands of mercy,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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