Thursday, September 9, 2010

August 2010 update

“My God shall supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:19)

As missionaries, we live by faith that God shall supply our needs, for the most part through the generosity of His people. In July, our rent was paid through the gift of a friend in Pittsburgh. August’s rent was covered by a church here in Honduras.

When we went on furlough, we thought the plane tickets would be paid for by selling our car, but that didn’t happen. So, on the plane ride north we prayed, “Lord, we need $5,000 to pay for these plane tickets!” A sweet, elderly woman (angel) came up to us one Sunday in June, after a church service in Canada, where Robert had just preached, and said she wanted to send us a donation, and asked how to go about doing that. To our surprise, she was the answer to our prayer!

This month, besides the usual bills, our challenge is paying for David’s schooling, for his tuition, uniforms, and books. Next month, it’s covering Robert’s airfare to South Africa! Yes, he’s been invited by the Lausanne Committee to be one of the simultaneous interpreters for the World Evangelization Conference in October. The Lausanne Committee covers room and board, but they are asking all the participants to cover airfare. God and His people always pull through.

Since coming to Honduras, one of our goals was to start a library/after school program for children. After four and a half years, it is finally becoming a reality! This month a group of diligent and skillful workers came from California to build book shelves, a platform, a counter and cabinets for our children’s center in Rivera Hernandez. It is located in a building that was once a factory and has been transformed into a training center to teach skills, such as the use of the computer, English, woodworking, welding, hairdressing, or baking, that can help people find jobs or start their own little business. This children’s center will provide a safe haven for local children, where they can get help with their homework, read a book, play a table game or create a craft while their mom is out working in a nearby factory until dusk. Hopefully, we can get this center up and running in in October or November, as we locally seek donations of second hand books and games for the kids to use.

Thank you to all who make our serving God here in Honduras a reality by your generous gifts! If you are not part of our support team but would like to be, either on a monthly basis or with a one time gift, the information of how to do that is in the right hand column of this blog. We will be honored and blessed if you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to help cover any one of the needs mentioned. Thank you for standing in the gap for us.

And now, unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever, amen!

Rejoicing in His goodness,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

P.S. Don’t forget Julianna’s 10th birthday on Sept. 6 and Robert’s 50th on Sept. 10! I know they’d love to hear from you on their special days.


  1. Roberto y Roxanna!
    Saludos, me da gusto saber como Dios los esta usando y bendiciendo dia a dia! Son un ejemplo y una bendicion para mi!!.. Le pido a Dios que siga derramando de su amor y gloria sobre ustedes!!.. Aprovecho para felicitar a Juli por sus 10 años y a Robertoo por su 50!! Felicidades!! Y Feliz Cumpleaños!!. Saludoss y abrazos para David y Roxanna!!.. Dios los mantenga con salud integral a cada uno de ustedes!! Los quiero muuchisiimo!!.. Saludos a Honduras!.. Espero volver algun dia no muy lejano!!.. Con Cariño, Maria Jose Gomez Rodriguez!

  2. God is faithful once again...He never stops loving us...God is love....
