Saturday, May 7, 2011

April 2011 Update

The Family is growing!

What a fantastic way to start off the month! Robert and Manuel baptized ten new believers from our church plant in Rivera Hernandez on April 3. These women were dipped into the baptismal waters at the beginning of a Sunday morning worship service by the riverside where Robert preached.

There is great rejoicing in heaven over the 60 plus kids that have given their lives to Jesus this month at our library. Every week we teach them Bible stories and principles, besides helping them with their schoolwork. Our concern is that they need more than one lesson a week to grow in Him and our church plant is not within walking distance. The Lord put us in contact with a lady pastor from a church right around the corner from the school where these kids attend. She gathered some of her children’s workers for us to speak to one night. As a result, we have volunteers coming to help us at the library and they will open a new special Sunday School just for our kids every Sunday morning! Praise God for His provision! We will be training these workers at the end of May.

Targeting Teens!

As in past years, this month the church in Choloma had a camp during Easter Week. Robert, David, and Julianna camped out for three nights and four days with young people from church. Out of this camp came the need for follow-up on the teens who were touched by the Lord, including our David. Robert proposed a special teen’s service during the regular service time Sunday mornings and started it the very next day. After only two meetings, the group has grown from 42 to 56, and these youth have expressed how “macizo” (“cool”) it is. Pray that the Lord will continue to bless and move in the lives of the youth through this service.

Terrific "Two's"

Sometimes we need to go in two directions. While Robert led the second youth service in Choloma on May 1, Roxanne worked with Loli and a group of women at our church plant in Rivera Hernandez. She and Loli and a few young ladies painted up as clowns and did an evangelistic program for 145 children, while the older ladies made and served sandwiches and drinks and gave out treats at the end of the campaign.

Praise God with us for growth in number and maturity in the church family this month! Thank you for your prayers for us and the ministry here in Honduras. They make all the difference in the world!

Grateful for His goodness and mercy,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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