Monday, November 7, 2011

The Grego Gazette, October 2011

New Home, New Focus

Siguatepeque looks quite different from San Pedro Sula. It’s all about evangelism and discipleship. We’ve been asked to help with one new church plant by leading a home Bible study and being part of the initial leadership. Then, in the church we have been attending, which is only a year old, we will be helping to operate the coffee shop which the church is starting as a means of reaching out to the youth in the community. God is opening new doors…

New Friends, New Opportunities

As Robert stood at the bank counter, the teller noticed his Christian book and said it looked interesting. They plan to sit down over coffee after work hours to talk about it. Pray for wisdom and insight for Robert, that God would use him to touch this young man’s life for Christ.

Another day, Robert struck up a conversation with Katarina, a young German school teacher in a coffee shop, and invited her to church. He has run into her several times in town and she has mentioned that she wants to attend church but has had several busy weekends. We invited her to come with our family to eat fried fish by the lake one day and she is eager to do so. Pray as we seek to befriend her, that God will use us to lead her to Himself.

David took his bike in to be fixed and invited the two American teenagers that he met there to church. They’ve been coming out to all the church activities since then. Chuke and Dialo go to a Bahai school but have shown great interest in what they are learning from the Bible. Pray that they may come to know the Truth, the Way, and the Life.

New Outreach, New Prayers

As Robert and other leaders from the new church plant went door to door asking the neighbors if there were any needs we could pray for, the people were eager to have us lift up their prayer requests before the Throne of Grace. One young lady asked for prayer for her friend who is considering suicide. An older lady asked for healing for her son who suffered partial paralysis in his face. Others requested prayer for health issues or unsaved spouses. Pray for us as we reach out to the neighbors with the love of Christ, that they will be drawn to Him.

New Funding Needs

We have had a number of extraordinary expenses in the last two months. Our two old cars have needed several major repairs. The Canadian residency paperwork has meant costly authentications and travel to Costa Rica and Canada. We’ve had to take out a small, short term bank loan just to cover our normal living expenses. If you could help us with a one time gift, we need to raise a total of about US$4,000 over the next month. You can send it to our mission, at one of the addresses found on the right hand column of this blog. They will mail you a tax receipt. We greatly appreciate it!

Serving Him with gladness,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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