Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November Update

Trip to Costa Rica

As we handed our fat pile of documents to the lady from the Canadian consulate, her eyes bulged and she gasped, “Do you realize there is a fee per document?” I said yes. She continued, “I can’t charge you for these as separate documents. It would be too costly. I’ll charge you as if they were all one.” And with that, she took them away to be stamped and blessed us with a savings of a few hundred dollars! Pray that we will continue to find grace and favor in the eyes of all the people we still need to deal with, as we gather medical and police records and send everything to the Canadian embassy in Guatemala.

Not only did we finally finish with all the documentation we needed from Costa Rica, but we were also able to attend Robert’s niece’s wedding on November 5. Gloriana and Andre are following in her uncle’s footsteps: they, too, are called to be missionaries! Pray for God’s leading for their future.

The two-day bus ride there and back didn’t seem so long as we slept and watched movies. We had the added blessing of staying overnight with friends in Managua, Nicaragua. We actually took a day to sightsee with them, visiting a volcano and Granada, the oldest mainland city in the Americas. What a beautiful country! Thank you to all who were praying for our safety as we made this trip!

New Mountain Life

Back in the saddle in Siguatepeque, we continue to lead a Bible study Thursday nights for the new church plant and to share our faith whenever we have opportunity. Robert has met with Miguel, the young bank teller mentioned last month, who has shown great interest in end times events and what he must do to be prepared. Continue to pray for God to draw him to Himself. Also, one of the ladies at the study, Luris, expressed concern for her husband, who is disillusioned with church and is not attending anywhere. Pray for Daniel as we befriend him and encourage him in his walk with God.

Robert attended the monthly pastors’ association meeting, offering our services in leadership training. They invited us to participate in a pastoral family retreat where we ate and played table games together. Pray for guidance and favor as we seek to encourage these undertrained pastors and help build up their churches.

As we recently celebrated Thanksgiving with our missionary friends here, we remembered how blessed we are to have YOU as our partners in prayer. We thank God for your friendship and the privilege to serve Him together. As we close in on the Christmas season, may God bless you and your family with peace and unity! As you reflect on His coming as a babe, may you sense His presence and experience His love daily.

Thankful for His goodness and grace,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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