Thursday, January 5, 2012

December 2011 Update

A common theme this New Year at all the Bible studies or church services we attended was from Philippians 3:13,14 where Paul says, “But one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” We have a very clear goal for this new year of 2012 to which God called us and to which we are straining and that is to get the Canadian resident visas for Robert and the kids. We are in the final stretch of this race to submit the papers. We hope to hand deliver them to the Canadian embassy in Guatemala by the end of January. Please pray that we will find grace and favor in the eyes of whoever will be deciding our case.

Robert also looks forward to being used of God translating for Korean pastors who are coming to do some training this month near the coast, about three hours away from home. Robert will be gone Jan. 6, and 11-14 to translate at a youth retreat and then at a pastor's retreat. He has also been asked to teach one of the sessions for each of these two retreats. Pray for God to move among all those who attend.

One of the highlights of December for us was to participate in the Christmas choir. What a joy to exalt His name through song throughout this city. We were thrilled that Miguel, the young bank teller mentioned in previous writings, came out to hear the choir at a church near his home. Both he and Daniel (also mentioned previously) accepted our invitation to a gathering held by our Thursday night Bible study group on December 14 and enjoyed the carol sing, the food, and the Christmas cheer. Please continue to pray for Miguel and Daniel as we reach out to them with the love of Christ. We look forward to how God will use us in this new year to minister to others.

After a year’s absence, Robert will be taking on-line seminary classes again with PROMETA. He will press on in his studies, taking two courses this semester. We have been asked by the director of PROMETA to prepare some intensive classes to be offered later this year to lay leaders. Also, Robert will be helping by editing and translating materials used in other courses. Pray for God’s guidance, wisdom, and anointing as we take on these endeavors. The beautiful thing about our involvement with PROMETA is that we can continue training Latin leaders wherever we may be.

This new year is full of bright possibilities and promises through Christ. As we run the race before us in 2012, may we all keep our eyes focused on Him that we might not be distracted with the things of this world but fulfill His will for our lives. May the Lord equip us all to do the good works He so calls us to do and thus glorify Himself through us. Our prayer is that He would pour out His blessings on you and yours in this new year!

Pressing on in Him,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your excitement this past month.

    I see God doing big things this year. The year of Jubilee will bring great healing and restoration to the body and a fresh move of Daddy's love. Refreshing is my prayer for you guys this year.Love you so much!
