Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 2012 Update

It’s amazing how news travels so quickly. Robert spoke at a youth retreat on a Wednesday and by Saturday morning, at a prayer meeting in another city, the youth leader said, “Oh, you must be the Costa Rican speaker my friend told me about! His youth group loved your talk this week. Can you come speak to our group too?” Then a few days later we met yet another youth leader who said he and his group had been there and they loved Robert’s talk the best. When could he come speak at their church? Besides the youth retreat, Robert translated for Korean speakers at a pastors’ retreat. A few days later one of the pastors who attended called asking Robert to speak to his leaders. We praise God for the impact the retreats had on these youth and the pastors (both with over 100 attendees), and that Robert could be a part of it through his talk and his translating. We are thankful for the doors it has opened for Robert to minister in other churches.

Roxanne has met with Oscar Noe and Mary to plan for this years’ Bible lessons for the library kids. We had a wonderful year-end event in December. As you can see from the pictures, we had over 100 children attend. Now in February, classes start up again at the school and the children will start coming for the help they need with their homework, the Bible lessons, reading books, and playing with puzzles and table games. Please pray for these needy children and for wisdom for Oscar and Mary as they tend to them on a daily basis.

Carlos and Hector Mejía are brothers and co-pastors of a church in Comayagua. We are working with them to plant a daughter church in Siguatepeque. The last week of January they experienced a terrible tragedy when their brother was murdered, leaving behind his wife and two small children. Please pray for the Mejía family, that they will know God’s comfort and strength during this difficult time. Pray, too, that this crime will not go unsolved (90% of homicides are unsolved in Honduras).

We greatly appreciate your prayers for our journey through “document dungeons” as we continue to slowly but surely make progress towards submitting everything to the Canadian embassy to get residency visas. It has now been over a year since we started this process!

Please keep tuned for a special edition of the Grego Gazette coming up in the next week or two. Let us just advance you this much: your prayers for protection for Pastor Manuel and Loli and their children are greatly needed! We need prayer warriors who will stand in the gap for this brave family.

May the Lord bless you all as you fix your gaze on His face and seek to do His will for the sake of His glory!

Pressing towards the goal,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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