Friday, November 9, 2012

September - October 2012 Update

The kids were fascinated by their first snowfall!  Yep, November 4th there were already snow flurries.  Fall didn’t stay very long.  We barely experienced the change of the leaves to different shades of red, yellow, and orange when the winds blew them all off.  Now the trees are bare and the cold has set in.  We keep telling the kids, “You haven’t seen anything yet!  Wait until winter actually gets here!”  We are all grateful that we have had the mild summer (in our opinion!) and the fall to gradually get accustomed to the cold.

Still no jobs on the horizon.  So we continue to covet your prayers, that God would lead us to the jobs and city where we should settle.  Meanwhile, we keep busy in the ministry.  We are involved in a small, local Hispanic congregation.  Robert has preached, led Bible studies and worship, and translated for the group of mainly migrant workers.  Roxanne participates in the women’s craft group as well, getting to know the ladies and ministering to them.  Roxanne has also taken on the challenge of “directing” the children actors for the Christmas play in our English church and Julianna is participating as the main character.

David has had quite his share of challenges in high school with adjusting to the system and feeling like he has no real friends.  Please keep him in your prayers, that he might be encouraged.  On the other hand, God has done a miracle for Julianna, who was placed in grade 7, despite the fact that she is dyslexic and didn’t do grade 6.  We were told that it would take months for her to be officially diagnosed in the government school system and we don’t have the $1,500 it would cost to have her diagnosed privately.  The Lord has granted us favor and miraculously, Juli has been placed at the top of the long list of students to be evaluated!  Hopefully, before this year is out, she will be getting the extra help she needs in school so that she can succeed.

We are forever grateful for all of you who pray and support us.  May the Lord bless you all a hundredfold!

Grace and peace,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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