Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas from the Grego household to yours! We trust your Christmas and New Year will be blessed beyond what you can even imagine! Ours was!  

Yes, just in time for Christmas, when we needed to get out of the place where we were staying the past seven months, God blessed us in an incredible way. New Horizons Church, where we have been helping out with the Hispanic ministry, decided unanimously to let us live in a rental house they have for free! No rent, no utilities to pay for six months! The majority of the people who made such a decision don’t even know us! From one day to the next, we suddenly had a place to call home. People who had never even met us, showed up on the doorstep with bags or boxes of things for our home. Bedding, towels, dishes, lamps, tables and chairs, TVs, you name it!  Their generosity has been overwhelming. We are so thankful to the Lord for His goodness to us. This has been an awesome Christmas gift!

We want to take a moment to thank all of you who have supported us over the years. We are thankful for you, too, and for the fact that God provided for us through you. If you feel led to continue supporting us, the address remains the same as found on the right side of this blog. Robert, a missionary to Canada, will continue in the ministry, reaching out to needy Hispanics right here in Sarnia through New Horizons Church, as well as other ministry in English, and working on his seminary degree. Roxanne will be helping in the ministry, too, of course, but will need to find another full time job, as the church cannot afford to pay us a salary at this time. Roxanne has been asked to do the church’s bookkeeping, which takes only a few hours a month and provides a little income.

We are excited about the adventures that the Lord has for us in the New Year!  2012 has not been an easy year for us by a long shot, but it has been rewarding. We are thankful for His faithfulness and goodness towards us, as we made the move from Honduras to Canada. Thank you for standing in the gap for us. Please continue to pray for our adjustment to life here (especially the cold weather!), for the documentation for the kids’ citizenship and Robert’s residency, and for just the right job for Roxanne.

May the Prince of Peace grant you great peace and joy throughout the Christmas season and 2013!

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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