Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jan - Feb 2013 Update

It seems we can’t escape it even if we wanted to (which we don’t!) God wants us in full time ministry, even here in Canada.  Though Roxanne has searched and sent out countless resumés, the Lord has not seen fit to give her full time employment.  She currently works four small part time jobs, which she enjoys, but between them, she doesn’t even make $500 a month.  Hardly enough for a family of four to live off of here up North.  Her jobs include caring for an elderly lady for two hours three times a week, repairing watches at SEARS, bookkeeping for New Horizons Church, and teaching two English classes at Lambton College one day a week.

One possible employer has been persistent in seeking her out and is anxious for her to join their staff.  SEND Int’l, a well known missionary agency, has asked her to come on board as Assistant to the Personnel Director.  They require someone with administrative skills who has had years of experience as a missionary on the field, and who can relate to and help their missionaries overseas.  This is a ministry position which requires raising financial support.

Robert, on the other hand, has been told by two separate people that he is the answer to their prayers for a Latino pastor, who could help reach the migrant workers and local Hispanics in Sarnia and the surrounding area.  The woman pastor of the Hispanic congregation at New Horizons Community Church is eager for Robert to come on board as pastor.  Being both a woman and a Canadian has been to her disadvantage in this ministry with a target audience of mostly Mexican men.  The leader of the Association of Ministers to Migrant Workers showed her excitement regarding Robert becoming  a chaplain who can speak the language perfectly and understands the culture abundantly. There is no salary for either of these positions.  Through his involvement in these ministries, however, he can hopefully acquire a Religious Worker Visa in order to stay in the country, if he raises his own income.

We would ask that you join us in prayer concerning our ministry involvement here in Canada.  Already Roxanne has started a Bible study with some Hispanic women and Robert has made several new contacts that we hope will lead to new Hispanics being drawn into the Body of Christ.  Also, over the last several weeks, we have been meeting regularly with the members of a short term mission team that leave this week for the Dominican Republic.  We taught them some worship songs and vocabulary in Spanish.

Would you consider becoming a part of our ministry team through your prayers and financial support?  Please drop us an email to let us know.  We certainly couldn’t do this without you!

Continuing in His service,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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