Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer 2013 Update

March - July, 2013

It’s been a while since we’ve written. Hard to write when things are so uncertain. It’s been a difficult school year for David amidst much prejudice. We have decided, in part for his sake and in part because of the lack of jobs here in Sarnia, to move just outside of London, Ontario, before school starts in September. Please pray that the kids will find good friends there and adjust well. Pray, too, that Roxanne will be able to find a full-time job quickly. 

Robert left the country for a while and returned to Costa Rica and Honduras for a month. He had the opportunity to preach half a dozen times, including at the 5th anniversary of our shanty town church plant! He also got some much needed dental work done. Upon his return, for the first time, they stamped his passport at the Canadian border, so he had to leave again by the end of June. He went to visit friends in Ypsilanti, Michigan for ten days and is now back with us in Canada. We are still filling out forms and gathering documents to apply for his residency. Please pray that we can get it all together and submitted soon.

Meanwhile, we have had affronts concerning the kids’ citizenship paperwork. We were told by the Canadian government back in February to send the documents to their embassy in Guatemala, who in turn told us to send them to Mexico, who in turn brought us full circle back to submitting them in Canada. They ended up telling us to send them to Mexico, so that’s where the package has gone at long last. May we find grace and favor in the government’s eyes and may we soon have the kids’ citizenship in hand.

Roxanne has spent many weekends helping her stepmother move into a residence home. Her short term memory is getting worse and is a concern. We are thankful that we are here to help her in her time of need.

We can still receive support through the mission, which will help tide us over during this transition period. All churches have dropped their support, but there are a few individuals that continue. Our desire, once we move near London, Ontario by the end of the summer, is to encourage Hispanic pastors in the area and help strengthen their leadership (as we did in Honduras), besides reaching out evangelistically to the local “Latinos”, which number close to forty thousand! We are so grateful for your prayers for us. Our trust is in the Lord, for we know that He works all things together for our good.

Blessings and grace to you,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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