Tuesday, September 10, 2013

August - September, 2013 Update

We did it!  Yet another move.  We’re getting to be pros at this! We are very happy with our new rental home in St. Thomas.  The kids have started at their new schools and are very motivated.  David had football camp before school even began and was chosen as the team’s running back, without ever having played the game!  We have to drive him to school as the one best suited for him is on the other side of town (only a 10 min. drive!)  He looks forward to sports and automotive shop the most.

Between our move and the first week of school, we had our first guests in our new house.  Robert’s sister, Fiorella, and nephew, Alexander (18) came to visit us for a few days from Oklahoma City.  We took them to see Niagara Falls, Port Stanley on Lake Erie (20 min. from St. Thomas!)  It was a short but great visit.

Roxanne is pounding the pavement in search of a job now.  Robert, meanwhile, is studying the precourse material for an intensive training at the end of the month with Walk Through The Bible. Once he becomes a certified instructor, he will be able to give weekend seminars in churches throughout Ontario and receive a portion of the proceeds from the enrollment.  We urgently need an income as we now have greater expenses with the rent and utilities fees we didn’t have before. Pray that Roxanne will find a job quickly and that Robert will be able to book at least one or two seminars each month.  If you would like to contribute a one-time gift towards the cost of his training, you can do so through LAM. We need to pay for his training (US$825) this month.

We long for a church where all four of us will find our niche, where we will be blessed and be a blessing.  Pray for the Lord to quickly lead us to a church where we will feel at home.

We are very grateful to all of you, our many friends and dear family members, for your prayers and support.  We cannot manage without you!  We anticipate great adventures in this new place.  The Lord is indeed good to us!

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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