Monday, November 11, 2013

Sept. - Oct. 2013 Update

   Long awaited answers to prayer…
-  Roxanne has a full time job!  After only a month of searching, Roxanne was hired as a claims support specialist at Integrated Warranty Systems, a Christian family owned business in downtown London, Ontario. She enjoys the job and her coworkers very much. We are so thankful for the Lord’s provision.

-  David and Julianna are Canadian citizens! Yes, at long last, we have been informed that our children have been granted Canadian citizenship! We are just waiting for the certificate to come in the mail so that they can get their passports.  What an answer to prayer! Thank you, Lord!

   Prayer points…
-  Although Roxanne has a job now, she doesn’t make enough to cover all of our expenses. Pray for a steady flow of translation jobs for Robert (he has three currently, which will keep him busy for a month or more) and preaching or teaching opportunities to make up the difference. Our hope was that Robert could be a certified Walk Thru The Bible instructor by now, and be earning an income that way. Unfortunately, the training he was supposed to receive last month was postponed until the spring.

-  Juli has adapted very well to life in Canada. David, however, struggles a lot with the culture, school, looming winter weather, and his walk with God. Please keep him in your prayers privately.

-  Robert’s uncle Richard passed away last month at the age of 62. He will be greatly missed. Please remember his children and his only surviving sibling, Robert’s dad, in your prayers. Robert will be going at the end of this month (on a steal-deal ticket!) to spend a few days with his father in Arizona. It’s time for him to leave the country again anyway.

In these hard times, the one thing that God keeps hammering into us is the need to trust Him completely. He is sovereign. Join us in praising Him, that through the good and the bad, He is faithful and is always with us. Praise His wonderful Name!

Clinging to His hand,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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