Thursday, December 25, 2014

November - December 2014

2014 is almost behind us. It has been a year of great transition for us as a family. In March, Robert and David flew to Costa Rica for a three week trip which turned into a permanent one. Feeling more at home here and quickly finding a job, the men of the household decided that they didn’t want to return to the long Canadian winter and the lack of work. Upon the completion of the school year, Julianna and Roxanne joined them in the tropics.  

Robert had secured a job for Roxanne before she even arrived in San José, so she hit the ground running. The day after arriving, we moved as a family into a rented house and set up our humble living quarters. The next day, Roxanne started to work as a Kindergarten teacher at Lighthouse International School, and absolutely loves it!  It’s a lot of work, often consuming extra hours at home, but it is rewarding and the children are a joy.

Julianna attends the same Christian school where Roxanne works. It was a huge adjustment for her at first. The work load is tremendous but she has adapted now and is doing well.

Robert was quickly snatched up as a medical interpreter at a call center when he first arrived and enjoyed his time there. When the school entered into a crisis and needed a quick substitute teacher for Julianna’s class, Robert quit his job at the call center in order to fill that void. Now that a more permanent person has been found, he has possible jobs in two different universities as a part time English professor and as a professor in the Translations department. He is also looking forward to being more involved in Christ for the City again, helping out with short term teams. One team he will be working with arrives in January.  

David’s first month here was a spiritual high and he was doing so well. Unfortunately, that didn’t last. He needs your prayers as he struggles in his spiritual journey. We know the Lord has great plans for him and will bring them to fruition in His perfect timing. David recently started classes at a technical school, taking motorcycle mechanics, and is enjoying it. It is only one night a week, though. Please pray he finds a job to occupy his time during the day.

As this year comes to a close, we are thankful for God’s provision and look forward to a bright future. We witnessed His mighty hand when, just after Robert and David arrived to Costa Rica, we received an unexpected provision, large enough to finally get out of the large debt we were unable to shake off while in Canada. We trust this new year of 2015 will hold much blessing, not only for our own family, but also for yours. The Lord is good. He knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). Blessed be the name of the Lord!

Roxanne, Robert, David and Julianna

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