Monday, May 11, 2015

The Grego Gazette - May 2015

Teacher Transition

After months of working as a kindergarten teacher at Lighthouse International School, Roxanne was informed that the Board of Education of Costa Rica has declared that all teachers need a grade-specific degree, and that her days of teaching will come to an end in June. In other words, to teach kindergarten, as she has been doing, she now needs a degree in Preschool Education. The same applies for Elementary or High school. Our M.Ed. now only allows us to teach adults. Because Roxanne’s undergrad is in Christian Education, she could teach Bible classes in a Christian school, but such a position is rare. We covet your prayers for a good paying job that she would enjoy, and where she can be a blessing.

This situation causes further repercussions, of course, as it also means Julianna cannot continue going to school at Lighthouse. We currently pay half price because Roxanne is a teacher there. We can’t afford to pay full price. Pray for God to open doors for her at another school where she will quickly adjust...yet again.

Robert's Roaming

Robert has been teaching English part time at the Universidad Latina (from where he earned his Business degree 24 years ago!). It provides a small income, Social Security benefits, contacts with business people for private tutoring, and an opportunity to witness. As this is not a full time position yet, he is seeking ESL tutoring and interpreting opportunities to help supplement our income. Due to his current schedule, he is able to participate in ministry with Christ For the City. In fact, he has been asked to help with a couple of ministries that work among troubled and marginalized youth.

Troubled Teens

Pavas is a dangerous and poor section of San José, where Christ For the City has been serving the community for years. We used to take mission groups out there to help. Recently, the local church there has led quite a few violent gang members to Christ. So far, 40 mercenaries have been radically transformed by the Lord!  They are witnessing to other gang members and more are being added to their number. These young people are in need of discipleship. They are also interested in learning English. Robert has been asked to help out in both areas with these new believers.

Renacer is a ministry of Christ for the City that rehabilitates street girls. At the beginning of the year, Robert was the interpreter for a short term mission team that was working at the Renacer home. These girls expressed their interest in learning English and the director asked Robert to give the girls classes. There is no budget for this, of course, so he will need to find sponsors in order to make this a reality. Learning English will open doors for jobs for these two groups of high social risk young people.


Lastly, our church, Comunidad P.A.S., has been growing by leaps and bounds. We have been asked to help disciple new believers in cell groups, as well as teach Bible classes in their discipleship program.

We are looking for people who would be willing to come on board with us financially, contributing monthly through Christ For the City, so that Robert can be involved in the ministry, hopefully full time. When we have raised enough, Roxanne could also return to full time ministry. As many of you know, that is where our heart is. That is what we are called to do. Please pray about, and consider if you should be one of those who could make a commitment to help us find the funding for these ministries. The pertinent information is on the right side of the blog.

We are so grateful for your prayers for us as a family. The Lord is faithful. We know He will guide our steps and provide for our needs, as He always has! May He do the same for you, too!

With grateful hearts,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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