Thursday, December 31, 2015

December 31, 2015


As this year comes to a close, we are grateful to the Lord for sustaining us through a prolonged transition.  

As you may recall, Roxanne lost her job as a kindergarten teacher at Lighthouse International School because of a government ruling and decision of the school board.  She was quickly hired temporarily at Costa Rica Christian School to cover the last trimester of the year (Sept. to Dec.) because the high school English grammar teacher had moved to the States. It’s December, so she is looking for a job again.  She will be teaching an ESL course or two at the university where Robert works, but that does not provide sufficient income.  Please remember her in your prayers, that the Lord would supply a permanent job that she would enjoy and would provide the needed family income.

Julianna has adjusted well to her new school, Sojourn Academy, which is just two doors down from where we are living. It is a very small school.  Juli is just one of ten in her ninth grade class but this gives her plenty of individualized attention.  Her grades have improved from last year, for which we are very grateful.  She continues to enjoy playing volleyball, although, because the school is so small, she really misses the competitions with other schools.

David moved back to Canada in July and has been searching for a job and finishing up his high school degree.  He has a serious relationship with Ashley, whom he started dating over Skype when he was still in Costa Rica, and they plan to get married in the near future (no date set yet).  Ashley has a one-year-old daughter whom David has readily “adopted”, taking on the role of daddy.  He and Ashley attend church regularly and receive premarital counseling from her grandmother, who is a leader in the church.  This is a huge change from the David who was so depressed, angry at God and into vices just a few months ago!  He had to hit bottom to bounce back again. We praise God for the work he is doing in David’s life. Thank you to all who have been praying for him. God is good!

Robert has been teaching English part time at Universidad Latina for a year now.  He has also been doing some English tutoring. This has provided opportunities to witness to his students, to pray for some of them in crisis, and even lead one of his students to Christ. Pray for more opportunities like this to share his faith and for doors to open in this new year to teach more classes.

The Christmas season has been an excellent time to reach out to friends and neighbours. We led carol singing in two home Bible study groups, and at the family gathering (Robert’s Aunt, Uncle, and cousins) on the 24th. With other missionaries from Christ For the City, we went door to door through the neighbourhood one evening, singing carols and praying for the families.  Many were visibly impacted, even to the point of tears.  We have so enjoyed using our voices again for God’s glory.

We continue to look for people who would be willing to come on board with us financially, contributing monthly through Christ For the City so that we can go back to working full time in the ministry.  Please pray about and consider if you should be one of those who would make a commitment with us.  If so, the information to do so is on the right side of the blog page.

As 2015 comes to a close, we are grateful for God’s faithfulness to us and for your prayers.  We look forward to what God has in store for us in 2016.  May the Lord bless you and yours during this new year, filling your lives with joy, peace, health, and most of all, His presence.

With grateful hearts,
Robert, Roxanne, David and Julianna

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