Tuesday, August 2, 2016

August 2016 Update

A friend recently pointed out to me that she hadn’t seen a post on our blog in months.  Please forgive our oversight.  Due to the fact that we have not been in full time ministry, there isn’t much to tell on a monthly basis other than "we are working”.  Robert was working six days a week plus four evenings at the University and teaching private English classes in between. Roxanne had no need to search for a job upon finishing in December at Costa Rica Christian School; Julianna’s school called her in January to ask her to take the first grade teaching position because one of their American teachers had returned to the States after her Christmas break. Roxanne taught English classes at the University four nights a week as well and private classes on Saturday mornings. All of this to keep us afloat. When Roxanne lost her voice and struggled for three months with throat issues, the University did not take her back on for the following quarter. Being so busy teaching, there was no time for any ministry. How we missed that! Robert was praying for a change that would allow him some time for ministry. A pastor friend told him: “Don’t quit your job; let God take you out of there.” About a month later, over a misunderstanding, Robert was released from the University.

Since then, Robert has had a steady stream of translation work to do. He was sent to Thailand for two weeks as a simultaneous interpreter for a conference for trainers of pastors. He is very thankful for the great experience. He absolutely loved the Thai hospitality and the delicious cuisine. But he also returned with a burden for that country of 70 million, where less than 1% know Jesus. He was able to find some Gospel tracts in Thai that he gave to the grateful hotel staff! Upon his return, besides written translations, he has interpreted for preachers and continues with his private English lessons. Thanks to having a more flexible schedule now, this month he is hosting a short term mission group from Canada, July 30th to August 13th, for whom he will also be interpreting. Please be in prayer for the upcoming workshop for pastoral couples and leaders, as well as ministering alongside four churches in poor communities through dentistry and women’s and children’s ministries. We are so grateful to the Lord for opening the doors for him to be in ministry again!

If you would like to help with our support, you can do so by sending your tax-deductible contributions to the addresses on the right hand margin. We would be truly grateful.

Roxanne enjoys her job as a first grade teacher at Sojourn Academy, which is a school for missionary children. Since she joined the Academy half way through the school year, she only had a right to two weeks holidays, so she is spending the summer tutoring students. But we are thankful that she was able to save enough money from her brief job at the University to pay for two plane tickets to Canada. She and Julianna went for two weeks to visit our son in June.

We are thrilled to announce the birth of Adryanna Roxanne Grego on May 26, 2016. Her older sister, Gabriella, is constantly pausing from her play time to give her kisses. Roxanne and Julianna so enjoyed taking on their roles as Grandma and Auntie during their visit! We also welcome our new daughter-in-law to the family! David and Ashley were wed in a small ceremony this year and hope to have a reception with the Canadian side of the family next summer, finances permitting. David currently works at a call center. The company told him they would help him with his studies, as it pertains to the job. He hopes to study Business Administration.

Julianna is thankful that she passed ninth grade with better grades than the previous year. She is helping out with the little kids during summer camp at Sojourn Academy and will begin tenth grade in September. At that time, she will also be studying hairdressing on Saturdays at an institute here in San José.

We are thankful for your prayers for our family. The Lord is good. All the time. We praise His wonderful name! May He pour out His blessings on your family!

Robert, Roxanne, and family

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