Tuesday, October 24, 2017

October 2017

The Lord’s mercies are new each morning!  How grateful we are for all He has done in 2017 so far.  Here are a few highlights:

We are thrilled to announce our newest addition to the family!  Marlie Ashley Davina Grego was born on May 21, 2017, weighing seven pounds nine ounces.  We were able to travel to Canada to meet her in June.  Below are some family pictures for you to enjoy!

Julianna finished grade 10 with flying colors!  We are so proud of her.  She continues at Sojourn Academy in grade 11 now.  She turned 17 on September 6th.

Roxanne finished up a wonderful year teaching first grade at Sojourn Academy and is teaching kindergarten this school year.  Already, all of her little kindergartners have committed their lives to Christ!  Daily she prays and sings with them and teaches them God’s Word.  She continues as the librarian along with another coworker and also does extra tutoring after school.  In her spare time, she is in her element, diligently writing a book.  We’ll let you know when it is published!

Robert continues working on translations and teaching some freelance English classes.  He has taught two classes this year on Eschatology at Harvest Bible University.  He also perseveres in his study of Biblical Hebrew online through the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies, and will soon begin a class with them on Discovering the Biblical Prophets.

Through our Eschatology class, we met a wonderful young couple, with whom we are joining forces to start a house church.  We have been spending time with Juan Diego and Alejandra, getting to know each other, in prayer and in planning.  Together with them and another couple from our Eschatology class, we took a 24-hr course on church planting. Attached are some photos. God is bringing other mature believers across our path, who desire to join us in this endeavor, so we hope to have a complete, church-planting, core group soon.


Please join us in praying for God’s leading as we seek to reach people for Christ and disciple them through this house church.  Will you prayerfully consider supporting us financially in this effort?  Roxanne’s work only brings in about $500 a month, as half of her salary goes to paying for Julianna’s education.  With your help, Robert could let go of his translation job, and work full-time in this church planting effort, training leaders, evangelizing, and discipling new believers.  If you would like to know more, please feel free to write us!  If you feel the Lord leading you to contribute financially, the details are on the right hand side of this blog.

We pray God will pour out His blessings on you as you diligently seek Him.

Robert, Roxanne, and family 

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