Friday, January 12, 2018

January, 2018

Happy New Year!  May you have a great, fruitful year, filled with God’s love, peace, strength, and wisdom for you and your loved ones.  We look ahead to this 2018 with great expectation, knowing that God has big things in store for us! 

We are grateful for your prayers as we seek to reach people for Christ and disciple them. It was exciting to finish off the year with a new convert.  Please keep Eric in your prayers, that he would grow as a new believer in Christ. Also, pray for Robert, as he will be teaching at least two courses (ad honorem) for Harvest Seminary and hopes to take a couple as well, besides continuing his online study of biblical Hebrew. He is still translating books and documents, and teaching private English classes. Roxanne would appreciate prayers for her throat, as she struggles with daily pain from overuse of her vocal cords (a common problem amongst teachers). She seeks guidance and anointing as she writes her book, trusting to have it published this year.

Below are some pictures for you to enjoy of our granddaughters, a shot of Claudio and Susan, who are part of the leadership of our upcoming Bible study group, Roxanne’s Kindergarten kids (one boy is missing from the photo), and a craft Roxanne made for 2018.

May the Lord draw each one of you closer to Him in this New Year!  He is our delight and our refuge.  May He be yours as well.

Robert, Roxanne, and Julianna

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