Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Grego Gazette - November 2020

     Becoming empty nesters opens up new possibilities. Julianna started college last month after taking a year off to work full time. She’s studying to be an office assistant through Fanshawe College in London, Ontario, Canada. David and Ashley had their fourth child, Bobbie Elisa Mae in April. They live in St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada. And so, we are in a new stage in our lives, as we are once again on our own.

In April, when Roxanne lost her job as a librarian due to the Covid19 shutdown of all schools in Costa Rica, we began to pray in earnest that God would open the doors for us to return to the mission field. Within the week, our long-time friend and former supporter, Ted Kerr, called us and shared about a ministry he has been involved with, in Northeastern Brazil for quite some time. We have been invited to join the team there, with all of our basic living expenses covered.

Vera Cruz is a little, rural town an hour inland from the coastal city of Natal in northeastern Brazil. Mãos Unidas (Joined Hands) is a small Christian school that Ted has been supporting financially for many years. It started out as a pre-school but recently began to add a grade each year. They will be finishing fourth grade in December and adding fifth as the new school year starts in February. In order to be accredited by the Brazilian government, the school needs an upgrade, and certain additional components, such as a library. Roxanne will help them create a library, as well as improve their English program. A large property is being purchased in order to build the middle and secondary school of Mãos Unidas and she will give input into the design and the equipment needed.

Next to the school, Gleidson Soares pastors a small Presbyterian church. His wife, Jiliani, is the director of the school. Besides being parents to two young children, they work full time outside of the church. Weekends and evenings are the only time they have to spend with family and tend to the church. We will be helping Pastor Gleidson in evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training.

There is no pastoral association in the area. Each pastor works pretty much as a “lone ranger”. We aim to develop relationships with the pastors and their wives in the area and establish a pastoral association, which will provide urgently needed support and encouragement for these men and women of God. We will make ourselves available to teach, preach, and train leaders as they become open to our participation.

Once the Missions Training Center is built, a couple of years down the road, we will be helping to train local Brazilians for missionary service. For now, we are living in the dorm building, which is the first part of the Center to have been built. Next to be constructed on the property is a house we will be able to call home. The third stage in the building project will be the classroom building.

We were recently in Canada visiting our children and grandchildren. Upon our return to Costa Rica, we were tying up loose ends and flew to Brazil on October 27th, arriving on the 28th. Within a day of our arrival, Robert was having to put his new language learning into practice as he translated for meetings between Ted and the local team. Sunday he played the guitar as Jiliani sang. Wednesday we helped Jiliani plan and prepare materials for an evangelistic event for her ballet students. It was held on Friday and was a great success. All 20 girls who attended prayed to receive Jesus in their hearts.

Please pray for us:

  1. For grace and favor with the locals as we settle into Vera Cruz.
  2. For God’s help to learn the language quickly.
  3. For wisdom and grace in getting permanent residency.
  4. For the follow-up program with the 20 young new believers.


Besides praying for us, if you would like to contribute to our travel expenses, please feel free to contact us.

Another exciting event in our lives is the fact that Roxanne wrote and published her first book! It’s a murder mystery novel called High-Profile Murder. If you or someone you know loves to read fiction, please look for it on Amazon! It would make a great Christmas gift and would help us financially as missionaries. Consider sharing about it on your social media to help us get the word out.

We cherish your friendship and appreciate your prayers. Please keep in touch.

Robert & Roxanne

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