Saturday, January 23, 2021

January 2021

Roxanne’s back surgery on January 4th was successful. The post-operatory medications, however, caused her terrible headaches, causing her to be bed-ridden for two weeks. Then, when a group of brothers came to visit and share coffee with Robert, Roxanne asked them to pray for her. God took away her headaches that very night! She has been pain-free ever since, praise God!

Yesterday was our first program with the ballet girls for the new year. We talked about the importance of leaving our old lives of sin behind and following Jesus. Please pray for these girls’ spiritual growth.

Today we prepare to head back to Costa Rica. Our trip has a three-fold purpose. One is that our 90-day tourist visa has expired and we need to leave Brazilian soil. Secondly, we need to gather documents for permanent residency and bring a few more of our belongings back to Brazil. And finally, we need the time to grieve with Robert’s siblings and cousins the loss of both Aunt Violeta and Uncle Rodrigo (Capi), who died within two weeks of each other last month. Robert’s brother and older sister will be traveling from the States to join us in Costa Rica. Pray for a special time of remembrance and closure for us all.

We hope to return to Brazil by the end of the first week of February and are excited about all that the Lord has for us here. The field is ripe unto harvest! Pray for wisdom and guidance, as there is so much we can and want to do. May we be sensitive to the Lord’s will and be used mightily for His glory!

Walking in His grace,

Robert & Roxanne

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