Tuesday, April 6, 2021

April 2021

   Though we have been on lockdown all month here in Brazil, the Lord Jesus didn’t stay locked in on resurrection Sunday! We praise God for forgiveness and eternal life through Christ, our Lord!

   None of the Bible studies we had planned to initiate happened in the month of March because of the lockdown. We did, however, meet some new neighbours one day, as we went for a walk. Since that day, we have gone back to enjoy coffee time with Jair and Liliani, sitting out on the dirt road on plastic chairs in front of their house. Liliani’s sister, Katiana, and her husband, Carlos, joined us another day. We all decided to enjoy Good Friday dinner together and we were able to share a video about Christ’s death on the cross. We talked about the forgiveness of sin and eternal life available to us through Him. On Easter Sunday, we returned to have coffee and had a great discussion about the Bible with them. They want to start a Bible study with us and are going to invite Katiana, Carlos, and other relatives. Please pray for our continued relationship with these new friends; that their hearts would be moved to repentance and submission to Christ, as we study the Scriptures together.

   We continue to develop relationships with other neighbours, as well, like Rodrigo and Cristiani, right across the street from our place. We recently had an exciting meeting with their brother-in-law, Tiago, who is an agronomist, while he was visiting his relatives in our city. He eagerly volunteered to help us with our irrigation project. He wants to offer free technical assistance to the farmers regarding the best crops and irrigation strategies, based on the volume of water available.

   God provided an immigration lawyer in the nearby city of Natal, and we were able to submit our paperwork to her. We are thankful that our residence visa is now being processed, which means our allowance to stay in the country has been extended until August. Pray that, despite the lockdown, our residency will come through before that time.

   We have also found a great property for the possible school construction. If this is the location God has for the school, pray for the necessary funds to purchase it. Currently, the school is using the Sunday School classrooms of the local Presbyterian church. However, by next year there won’t be sufficient space, and there isn’t another place in this town to house the school. Each calendar year another academic grade is added. They are up to grade five now, teaching in two shifts, morning and afternoon, in order to accommodate the kids in the three available classrooms. If you would like to contribute to the purchase of this property and the construction of the only Christian school in this whole municipality of several towns, please contact us! We hope to publish more details about this exciting development project in the next few weeks, along with a fundraising proposal.

   Let’s continue to rejoice and thank our Lord together for His faithfulness!

Robert & Roxanne

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