Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nov.-Dec., 2010

Oscar Noé and Mari are Pastor Manuel’s next door neighbors. In fact, they are his brother and sister-in-law. A couple of weeks ago we attended Oscar’s graduation from Bible Institute. A few days later he called us and said he was ready and available to serve and asked if we have something for him to do. Do we ever! We met with him and his wife and presented the idea of running the children’s library, which is located just a couple of blocks from their house. They are great with kids and are known in the neighborhood. Oscar took us to a nearby school and the vice principal was very enthusiastic about the project. When the next school year starts up, at the beginning of February, she’ll be sending the kids our way. We have until then to get the room painted, filled with books and educational toys, and to train Oscar and his wife, Mari, to run this new ministry. We will work with them for the first few weeks, before we turn it over completely to them. Please pray for God’s guidance in our preparations.

Robert’s online Masters course on the book of Isaiah has inspired his recent preaching in various churches, as well as our daily devotions at home. God has spoken mightily to us through this incredible book. On a rainy Sunday, at the beginning of December, we set out on a very muddy climb up to a little village church in the mountains, where we led worship and Robert preached about the foretold coming of the Prince of Peace (from Isaiah, naturally), and the reason for His miraculous birth.

With Christmas right around the corner, there is always a lot of activity. Julianna has been busy with daily dance rehearsals, and we all enjoyed her year-end performances on Dec. 9, 10, and 11. And on the 12th, she got to act and sing in a Christmas play at the English church. Robert helped the music teacher at David’s school with their children’s Christmas choir. He also organized an evangelistic Christmas caroling event with an adult choir from the church in Choloma. In both cases, these groups sang carols in a mall in two different cities, amidst a myriad of holiday season shoppers.

Since Dec. 18 we’ve been in our old stomping grounds. We’ll be spending Christmas with Robert’s relatives in Costa Rica. But that is just an added bonus to our trip. Our main purpose is to renew passports, visas, and other paperwork that we need to get done the first week of January. Please pray for safety in our travels and success in our important errands.

We’d like to leave you with these words from Isaiah 55: “May you go out with joy and be led forth in peace”, as you seek to share our common hope with those around you this month! May God’s blessing rest on each and every one of you during Christmas and in the New Year!

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

1 comment:

  1. Bless you guys! Have a very merry Christmas! Let me know where to call and I can hook up with you on the big day....

    Love you
