Monday, February 7, 2011

January, 2011

New Years normally start out with a bang but ours started with a fizzle. What was supposed to have been a week of paper chasing didn’t turn out as we expected. The Costa Rican government took an extra week of vacation, so we had to leave a power of attorney with a lawyer to hunt down the documents we need. A month later, we still don’t have them! God’s timing is different from ours. Pray with us, that we will soon have the paperwork we require.

No sooner were we back in Honduras and settled into our routine when Robert was off again, this time to the States. He spent ten days in strategic meetings in Florida and a Hispanic missions conference in Virginia. He also preached at a Hispanic church plant in Daytona Beach and a week later at another church plant in Kissimmee.

Roxanne meanwhile held the fort, homeschooling the kids. She also spoke at a special women’s meeting at our church plant in Rivera Hernandez.

February promises to be a very busy month. A short term medical mission team will be coming on the 10th, from Pittsburgh. Robert and David will be driving six hours to meet up with them and help translate for the doctors for a few days. The day they return to San Pedro Sula, Robert will drive out to Puerto Cortes to speak at a missions training event, Feb. 14-16.

The Honduran school year starts in February and so will our children’s library / activity center. We are having planning meetings and organizing the books and materials so we can soon open. David and Roxanne are painting the logo on the outside wall and will be painting a mural on the indoor wall eventually. Pray for God’s guidance in all our preparations.

We’ve been asked by leadership of the Evangelical Reformed Church to provide some consulting for their Christian school, which is transitioning from being completely in Spanish to bilingual. This would involve staff training and strategic planning. Pray for wisdom.

Please don’t forget to pray for this violence-stricken city of San Pedro Sula. This past week a pastor’s daughter was murdered as she walked a few short blocks home from her work, the 13-year-old son of another pastor was murdered, and, elsewhere, a pastor was shot down while coming out of the Sunday service. Robbery was not the motive of any of these crimes. So what was? Pray for God’s protection over His people here, including us.

We are so thankful for your prayers. They can move mountains. We know they will move the obstacles in our lives (such as paperwork stuck in government bureaucracy!) What a privilege it is to serve the Almighty God in a foreign land! May His blessings be poured out in abundance on your lives!

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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