Saturday, June 4, 2011

May 2011 Update

Preach the Word…and encourage… (2 Tim. 4:2a)

Several opportunities for preaching this month have kept Robert busy in the Word, preparing his talks, besides his weekly TV program. Robert preached at a little mountain church that was overflowing on its anniversary Sunday. Another Sunday, he challenged the church near our library to make discipling the children a high priority. He gave 200 leaders of a church in Cofradía a two-hour intensive seminar on the End Times, emphasizing the urgency for evangelism as the Day approaches. The last Sunday of the month, he preached at our church plant in Rivera Hernández and, before dedicating a baby boy that morning, he led his father to the Lord first, much to the delight of his Christian wife!

…With great patience and careful instruction. (2 Tim. 4:2b)

This month Robert has been dedicating an hour every weekday to the teachers at the Pablo Menzel Bilingual School, helping them improve their English pronunciation and grammar skills. This is the school run by the Christian Reformed Church, our supervising entity here in Honduras. In March we had spent several days evaluating their program and expressed the urgency to improve the level of English proficiency in their teachers and students. Robert also teaches English to a Korean missionary two hours a week.

…Entrust to reliable men who will…teach others. (2 Tim. 2:2)

We taught a five-hour seminar in the church near our library, preparing leaders to disciple the children from the library program whom we have recently led to Christ. A few of the Sunday School teachers from our church plant nearby in Rivera Hernández also attended, as well as Oscar and Mary, the library directors. Please pray for them all, that they would be effective in teaching the children from the Word. Pray, too, that our library kids will grow in the Lord and stand firm against the evil that is so prevalent around them.

He must manage his family well… (1 Tim. 3:4)

As the month ended, David enjoyed a 5-day camp for missionary kids. Julianna was sad that she couldn’t attend, due to her rigorous ballet rehearsals. However, she will soon have her chance to shine as she performs in “Swan Lake” during four consecutive evenings in mid June, at the main theater in San Pedro Sula. Please pray for us as we wrap up the home school year.

The Lord be with your spirit! (2 Tim. 4:22)

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

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