Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas, 2020

Dear Family and Friends,

This is a very different Christmas for so many because of the pandemic. In our case, it is mainly because we are so far away from family. We are spending Christmas alone but are able to connect with our loved ones via Zoom or Facebook video chat. We are very thankful for technology!

We spent Christmas Eve having dinner with a neighbour, Rodrigo, and his extended family, just developing new relationships with Brazilians here. We look forward to seeing several of them again soon so we can love them into the Kingdom.

Last week, we held a Christmas program for the ballet girls, showing them a short film about the birth of Christ. We talked about what gift they could give to the King and taught them a song expressing the need to give their hearts to Him. A few new girls prayed to receive Christ into their hearts. Then they all received gifts of sweet-smelling soaps and perfume and delicious Panetone bread.

The decoration we spent hours preparing with Jiliani and Pathy, doubled up for the ballet girls’ program and the Sunday church service. We led worship with Jiliani as usual on Sunday and did a special Christmas song with Pathy, which Robert translated into Portuguese.

Please continue to pray for the ballet girls and their spiritual growth. We plan on having Bible studies weekly with them starting in the new year instead of bi-weekly, and want to reach out to their families as well. We also hope to start a weekly Bible study with Rodrigo, his wife, and some of his extended family. 

Another recent highlight was leading our cleaning lady, Marcia, to Christ. Every week now, when she comes to clean our house and cook for us, we have a Bible study with her at the end of the afternoon. Please pray for her spiritual growth.

We are thankful to live close to Natal, a beautiful modern city, where one of the top neurosurgeons in Brazil has his practice. On January 4, 2021, Roxanne will have her long-awaited spine surgery to eliminate the pain caused by a herniated disc for more than a dozen years. Please pray that all will go smoothly. She looks forward to being able to throw herself fully into the ministry without this hindrance.

May the King of Kings grant you and your family much joy and peace through the New Year of 2021. May He lead and guide you deeper into His Word and Holy Presence. Merry Christmas!


Robert and Roxanne

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