Monday, December 7, 2020

December, 2020

   “We don’t know how to read,” said Pedro, a local fruit stand owner. We had offered to give him and his wife a Bible when they said they wanted to know more. So, now we’re looking into getting them an audio Bible on a USB stick that they can listen to and hope to start a homegroup with them.

   As we continued on our morning walk, we stopped at the corner store, where we had dropped off Rayres the other night after our outreach to the ballet students. Her mother was thrilled to tell us how excited her daughter was about the program and how thankful she is that we are here. Rayres counts the days to the next follow-up Bible class. This week we talked about the importance of reading the Scriptures in order to grow in Christ. Each girl received a contemporary Portuguese Bible as a gift.

   Please pray for God’s continued guidance as we reach out to evangelize the townsfolk and that God will lead us to those who are open to the Gospel like Cornelius. Pray, too, for the ballet girls to grow in Christ, and for their unsaved families.

   We work daily on our language acquisition. We have been thrust into ministry from the very start, teaching the ballet girls and talking to the neighbors. On week three of our time here, Robert preached his first sermon in Portuguese! And we have been helping with worship on Sundays, and learning new songs in Portuguese every week! We are so thankful for the opportunities to minister. Please pray for our continued language learning.

 We recently made a trip down to Recife (4-hour drive South) to visit the Youth With a Mission (YWAM) base there. Julie and Mati Gali run the base and have been there for years. Julie is originally from Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, went to the same high school as Roxanne did, and was supported for years by Roxanne’s parents. It was neat to see their diverse ministries and home after so many years of only reading their prayer letters! 

   We are thankful for Patricia (Pathy), who lives with us and has been a blessing in orienting us. She accompanied us to Recife and, on the way home, to the colonial town of Olinda, one of the oldest settlements in Brazil.

   While we’re enjoying immense blessings here in Brazil, our children have been going through rough times. David and Ashley are separated and it has been very difficult. Please pray especially for the girls, as they miss their daddy. Pray for healing in David and Ashley’s hearts and that this will cause them to draw closer to Jesus. Meanwhile, Julianna has not been enjoying her first semester at college at all. Pray for wisdom as she chooses another career to follow.

   We are so grateful for your prayers, which sustain us. God is good!

Robert & Roxanne

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