Friday, December 31, 2021

December, 2021

  September and October passed by like a blur. We spent those months in the vacant apartment of a friend, free of charge, enjoying the pool, and the safe surroundings. It was a huge blessing. We had the joy of the visits of Robert’s sister, Fiorella, and brother, Tony, and even took a trip out to the beach. Other than that, our time was spent seeking the Lord for guidance and making contacts. November found us in another temporary apartment, searching for something more permanent, which we finally found in December.

  Robert continues to teach his Friday night on-line course on Genesis. We’ve been visiting students from this class in their homes to get to know them, minister to them, and answer their questions. It’s been a wonderful blessing. Robert has also been helping with translating at our bilingual church, Union Church. In order to bring some income into the house, he has taken on the challenge of selling household cleaning products, besides teaching an online English class and doing some translating of documents and a Christian book.

  Roxanne has been asked to join the teaching staff at Sojourn Academy as the first and second grade English and Bible teacher in January. Until that time, she is keeping busy with organizing the house, helping to sell cleaning products at fairs for entrepreneurs, and writing the fourth book in her murder mystery series. Book three is being edited and should be out by the beginning of next year at the latest.

  Julianna struggles daily with being here in Costa Rica. Her destination was Brazil and this was just a stepping stone to get her necessary documents. She will be starting to work at a call center in January after her training this month. Please pray that she will make new friends and can find enjoyment in her job.

  We are so grateful that David is doing very well health-wise, spiritually, and at his construction job. Thank you for your prayers for him.

  Just before Christmas, we finally settled into our new rental home, and were able to decorate a bit for the holidays. Last year, the three of us were lonely and had no Christmas day celebration. No special food, no family gathering, no gifts, no decorations. Nothing. Juli was alone in her apartment in Canada and the two of us in our room in Brazil. We are grateful that it was better this year, being together with our daughter and spending a bit of time with cousins and friends here.

  We trust that you enjoyed your Christmas and New Year’s with friends and family, rejoicing in the first coming of our Lord Jesus. Gifts are nice. Special treats on the table are always good! But our focus is the One who is the cause of our celebration, our Saviour, who brought joy and peace that first Christmas over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem, and continues to shine His light and love into our hearts. He is the reason for the season. May He wrap His arms of love around you and yours as you celebrate His gifts of forgiveness, peace, joy, and eternal life. God bless you all!

Robert & Roxanne

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Agosto - Septiembre, 2021

¡El mes de agosto halló a Roxana sumergida en libros en la biblioteca pública de Vera Cruz! Ella le dio a Fátima, la bibliotecaria voluntaria, un curso intensivo en organización de bibliotecas, usando el sistema Decimal Dewey. Varias mañanas por semana ella fue a la biblioteca para ayudarle a Fátima a reorganizar y catalogar todos los libros. Es una tarea enorme, incluso para una biblioteca pequeña, pero fue muy alentador haber podido hacer esta contribución para el pueblo de Vera Cruz.

Nuestro mes estuvo lleno de reuniones semanales dirigiendo alabanza, estudios bíblicos, programas de ballet para niñas, otro programa evangelístico donde más madres de ballet aceptaron a Cristo, un programa del Día del Padre y una predicación de Roberto un domingo en la iglesia de Vera Cruz.

Al llegar nuestro mes completo de ministerio a su fin, lo mismo ocurrió con nuestro tiempo en Vera Cruz. La iglesia, los grupos de estudio bíblico, los vecinos y las niñas del ballet, todos tuvieron reuniones de despedida para nosotros, llenas de abrazos y lágrimas. Desafortunadamente, las cosas no resultaron según lo esperado con nuestra organización patrocinadora. Además, nuestro proceso de residencia fracasó y, debido a la incompetencia de cierta abogada local, ¡el Depto. de Migración de Brasil nos cobraría un total de US$4.000 en multas al regresar a Brazil! Estamos de vuelta en Costa Rica nuestro regreso a Brasil está por definirse. De regresar, sería bajo otra organización. Hemos recibido una invitación a pastorear una pequeña congregación en las afueras de la ciudad de Caruaru, además de capacitar líderes para alcanzar su comunidad para Cristo. Si el Señor abriera esa puerta, necesitaríamos recaudar apoyo económico mensual, donaciones únicas para nuestro traslado y un vehículo, además del pago de las multas de migración, sin mencionar el reinicio del costoso proceso de residencia nuevamente.

Estamos muy agradecidos por el tiempo que pasamos en Brasil. Nos encantó estar en el pueblito Vera Cruz y vamos a extrañar mucho a su gente. Ya de regreso en Costa Rica, estamos pidiendo a nuestro Señor sabiduría para el próximo paso. Pero Dios proveyó nuestras necesidades de forma inesperada durante este tiempo de cierres masivos por la pandemia, nos bendijo mucho y nos permitió ser de bendición. Hemos ganado nuevos amigos, convertidos, experiencias, idioma y un amor por este bello país, además de la cirugía de hernia lumbar de Roxana (¡que cuesta cinco veces más en Costa Rica!). ¡Roxana también logró publicar su segundo libro durante el cierre! Ahora esperamos la dirección de Dios con gratitud en nuestros corazones. Oren junto con nosotros durante este tiempo de transición.

¡También agradecemos a Dios que no pudimos vender todos nuestros muebles antes de salir! ¡Ahora entendemos por qué! Al regresar a Costa Rica, teníamos guardado casi todo lo que requeríamos para equipar una vivienda. ¡Y nuestra familia y varios amigos nos han apoyado y animado, ayudándonos a suplir lo que nos estaba faltando! ¡Hasta el viejo carro de Roberto, que unos primos nos estaban guardando, todavía funciona! ¡Dios es bueno!

Nuestra hija, Julianna, se nos unió en Costa Rica el día después de nuestra llegada, habiendo viajado desde Canadá. La idea era que ella nos acompañaría a Brasil. Por favor oren por la transición de ella, ya que sus planes también se han visto afectados por este cambio repentino de circunstancias. Que nuestro Señor le abra nuevas puertas, conforme a su plan perfecto para ella.

David pasó una semana en el hospital, recibiendo antibióticos por vía intravenosa, mientras luchaba por vencer una severa infección de garganta. El Señor nos envió unos “ángeles”, en forma de un matrimonio de la iglesia a la que asistíamos en St. Thomas, quienes recibieron a nuestro hijo en su hogar hasta restaurar su salud por completo. Él había perdido más de 25 kg por no lograr mantener la comida ingerida en su estómago. Finalmente, luego de varias semanas, él ha recuperado su apetito y su energía y hasta consiguió un nuevo empleo como soldador. También se ha acercado al Señor como resultado de la experiencia. Así que, por difícil que fuera, ¡estamos rebosantes de gratitud! Por favor oren por su total recuperación y por su crecimiento espiritual.

Estamos muy agradecidos por todos ustedes, por su amistad y sus oraciones. ¡Que el Señor los continúe bendiciendo y haga resplandecer su rostro sobre ustedes!

Roberto y Roxana

August - September, 2021

The month of August found Roxanne buried in books at the Vera Cruz library! She gave Fatima, the volunteer librarian, a crash course in library organization using the Dewey Decimal System. Several mornings a week she went there to help Fatima reorganize all the books. It’s a huge job, even for a small library, but it was very rewarding to contribute to the town in this way.

Our month was filled with weekly worship leading, Bible studies, ballet girls’ programs, another evangelistic program with more ballet mothers accepting Christ, a Father’s Day program, as well as Robert preaching one Sunday at the church in Vera Cruz.

As this full month of ministry came to an end, so did our time in Vera Cruz. The church, Bible study groups, neighbours, and the ballet girls had tearful farewell gatherings for us. Unfortunately, things did not work out as expected with our sponsor organization. Also, our residency fell through and, because of the incompetence of the lawyer, the Brazilian immigration will charge us $4,000 in fines upon our return to Brazil! We arrived in Costa Rica on Sept. 3rd, and our return date to Brazil is unknown. If and when we go back to Brazil, it would be under another organization. We have received an invitation to shepherd a small congregation in the outskirts of the city of Caruaru, as well as training leaders to reach their community for Christ. Should the Lord open that door, we would need to raise monthly support, one-time gifts for the move, house furniture, and a car, as well paying the hefty immigration fine, not to mention beginning the expensive residency process all over again.

We are very thankful for the time we had in Brazil. We absolutely loved being in Vera Cruz and will really miss the town and its people. Now that we are back in Costa Rica, we are seeking His face for wisdom for the next step. But God provided our needs in an unexpected manner during this time of massive shutdowns due to the pandemic, to be very blessed and to be a blessing. We have gained new friends, converts, experiences, language, and a love for this beautiful country, as well as Roxanne’s lumbar hernia surgery (which costs five times as much in Costa Rica!). Roxanne also published her second book during the lockdown! Now we await God’s guidance with gratitude in our hearts. Please join us in prayer during this time of transition.


We are also grateful that we were unable to sell all our appliances and furniture! Now we know why! Upon our return to Costa Rica, we had almost everything we needed to set up house. And family and friends have stepped up to encourage us and help provide what we were lacking! Even Robert’s very old car, which a cousin had stored for us, is still running! God is good!

Our daughter Julianna joined us here in Costa Rica the day after our arrival, moving from Canada. The idea was for her to continue on with us to Brazil. Please pray for her transition as well, considering that her plans have also been affected by this turn of events. May the Lord open new doors for her, according to His perfect plan.

David spent a week in the hospital attached to an IV with antibiotics, as he struggled to survive a severe “strep throat” infection. The Lord provided some “angels” in the form of a couple from the church we had attended in St. Thomas, to take David into their home and nurse him back to health. He had lost 57 pounds due to his inability to keep food down. Finally, after several weeks, he has regained his appetite and his energy and even got a new job this week as a welder. He has drawn closer to God as a result of this experience. So, as difficult as it was, we are thankful! Please pray for his complete recovery and for his spiritual growth.

We are grateful for you all, for your friendship and prayers. May the Lord continue to bless you and shine His face upon you!

Robert & Roxanne

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Agosto, 2021

   ¡Los ángeles se regocijan en el cielo por nuestros cinco vecinos y amigos, quienes sin titubear aceptaron la invitación de tener sus nombres escritos en el Libro de la Vida del Cordero! Qué alegría ver el entusiasmo de Jair, Liliani, Carlos, Katiana y Luzinete, conforme se alimentan de las Escrituras en la reunión semanal de cafecito y estudio bíblico. Manténganlos en sus oraciones, para que solidifiquen su fe en Cristo.

  Nuestras preciosas “princesas” de ballet fueron desafiadas a tener una vida balanceada en Cristo el mes pasado, leyendo la Biblia, orando y congregándose. La siguiente lección será sobre compartir su fe con otros. Oremos por su crecimiento como creyentes. Algunas de sus madres aceptaron a Cristo con Roxanne el 17 de julio luego de presentarles claramente el evangelio. Que el Señor aumente su anhelo por él por encima de cualquier otra cosa.  Estamos agradecidos que el Señor está ampliando el equipo de trabajo, tanto con el programa de ballet como con el grupo de alabanza. Oramos que Dios lleve a estos nuevos colaboradores a una relación más profunda con él, como resultado de su participación en el liderazgo.

   Robert y Jiliani (ella es la directora de la escuela y esposa del pastor) han estado visitando los negocios del pueblo para animar a los dueños a contribuir con el programa de canastas básicas de alimentos para algunas familias muy necesitadas de la comunidad. Varios de ellos han aceptado apoyar la iniciativa. Continuaremos visitando los negocios y a ciertos individuos hasta lograr ayudar a 80 familias.

   Hemos estado visitando a parejas pastorales para lanzarles la visión de una asociación pastoral. Ha sido una bendición conocer a estos siervos de Dios, pero nos damos cuenta que es un desafío reunirlos, algo que no están acostumbrados a hacer. Oremos para que vean la necesidad y beneficio de poder orar juntos y animarse el uno al otro, y que su unidad ayude a que el pueblo de Vera Cruz sea impactado para el Reino.

   El curso en español sobre el Génesis que Roberto enseña cada viernes de noche nos produce gran alegría, tanto a nosotros como a los alumnos. Roxana también ha tenido la oportunidad de enseñar en estudios bíblicos para mujeres en Vera Cruz, al igual que en la ciudad de Caruaru, donde Roberto predicó de nuevo. Dos de las mujeres del grupo de Vera Cruz abordaron a Roxana después del estudio para decirle que el Señor les había hablado personalmente a través de su enseñanza de la Palabra.

   Por favor oren por cada uno de estos grupos de personas que Dios nos colocó en el camino, para que sean fortalecidos en su fe. Apreciamos sus oraciones por nosotros conforme continuamos compartiendo la Palabra de Dios entre el pueblo brasileño. Si quisiera usted contribuir financieramente a este ministerio, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros. ¡Muchas gracias!

   Sirviendo al Rey con gratitud,

Robert and Roxanne

Saturday, July 31, 2021

August, 2021

   The angels rejoice in heaven over our five neighbourhood friends who eagerly accepted the invitation to have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life! It is such a joy to see the excitement of Jair, Liliani, Carlos, Katiana, and Luzinete, as they learn from the Scriptures when we meet weekly for coffee and Bible study. Please keep them in your prayers, that they would solidify their faith in Christ.

   Our precious ballet “princesses” were challenged to have a balanced life in Christ this past month by reading the Bible, praying, and fellowshipping. The next lesson will be about sharing their faith with others. Continue to pray for their growth as believers. A few of their mothers accepted Christ with Roxanne on July 17th when she gave them a clear Gospel presentation. May the Lord increase their desire for Him above all else. We are thankful that the Lord is increasing the team members both in the ballet program and on the worship team. May He lead these participants into a deeper walk with Him as a result of their participation in the leadership.

   Robert and Jiliani (she’s the school director and pastor’s wife) have been visiting local businesses to encourage the owners to contribute to the church’s food basket program for the needy families of the community. Several have accepted the challenge. They will continue to visit business owners until they have sufficient for 80 families.

   We have also been visiting pastors and their wives to cast the vision of a pastors’ association. We have so enjoyed meeting these servants of God, but realize it is a challenge to bring them together, something they are not accustomed to doing. Pray that they will see the need to pray together and encourage one another, that their unity will cause the city of Vera Cruz to be impacted for the Kingdom.

   Teaching Robert’s Friday night online course on Genesis in Spanish brings great joy to us and to the students. Roxanne also had the chance to teach at a local woman’s Bible study, both in Vera Cruz and in Caruaru, where Robert preached again. Two of the women from the Vera Cruz study approached Roxanne later to tell her that the Lord had really spoken to them through her Bible teaching.

   Please pray for each of these groups of people that God has put in our paths, that they would be built up in the faith. We appreciate your prayers for us as we continue to share the Word of God among the Brazilian people. If you would like to contribute financially to this ministry, please message us. Thank you!

   In His grateful service,

Robert and Roxanne

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

   Ahora tenemos acceso diario a un carro y estamos muy emocionados que muchas cosas están reabriendo (incluyendo las iglesias) aquí en Vera Cruz, luego de cierres recurrentes. Por favor oren con nosotros por nuestras próximas visitas a los pastores de nuestro pueblo, con el fin de desarrollar amistad con ellos. Nuestra meta es formar una fraternidad de pastores en esta área, a través de la cual ellos puedan animarse, apoyarse y orar unos por otros. También planeamos ofrecer talleres de capacitación al liderazgo de sus congregaciones.

   ¡Las niñas del programa de ballet “Pasos de Princesas” están disfrutando mucho de nuestros encuentros con ellas! El 17 de junio enfatizamos la importancia de memorizar la Escritura. Y el 1º de julio les hablamos sobre la importancia de reunirnos en compañerismo cristiano. Por favor continúen orando por el crecimiento espiritual de ellas. Agradecemos a Dios por Joseane, ¡quien se ofreció como voluntaria recientemente para ayudarnos y está disfrutando mucho el poder servir al Señor en formas nuevas que nunca había ni imaginado antes!

   Roxanne y Jiliani también auspiciaron su tarde de café con una docena de madres de las niñas de ballet. Roxanne habló sobre cómo Dios las creó y les ha dado la opción de obedecerlo o elegir su propio camino. Después ellas “crearon” unas manualidades artísticas que se llevaron consigo a sus casas para recordar la obra creativa de Dios en sus vidas. Oremos por estas madres, para que elijan seguir a Jesús. Nuestra próxima tarde con estas madres será el 17 de julio.

   ¡El curso en línea de Genesis que Robert está dando en español está creciendo cada semana, conforme sus animados alumnos continúan contándole a otros! Ya tiene casi 30 estudiantes que se conectan cada viernes en la noche (¡de 9:30 a 11:30 pm, hora brasileña!). El espera pronto tener su curso traducido al portugués, para poder ofrecerlo a grupos de brasileños.

   Las dos familias vecinas, con las cuales hemos estado tomando café y estudiando la Biblia, finalmente se han recuperado del Covid19 y están listas para reanudar nuestras reuniones semanales de estudio bíblico. Ya nos reunimos con una de las parejas el 3 de julio en su casa, y nos animó ver que la hermana de ella llegó a tomar café, junto con su esposo, ¡y expresaron que les gustaría acompañarnos a estudiar la Biblia con sus parientes!

   Luego de un arduo trabajo por parte de Roxanne y su equipo de edición y asesoría, ¡parece que su segundo libro de la serie sobre investigación forense saldrá publicado el mes próximo!  Estén atentos al título (solo en inglés por ahora), Eyes Wide Open. ¡Si aún no has leído su primer libro, High-Profile Murder, está disponible en Amazon.

   Agradecemos mucho sus oraciones. ¡Que nuestro Señor Jesucristo los continúe bendiciendo con su paz y gozo!

Robert y Roxanne

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

July, 2021

   We now have daily access to a car and we are very excited that things (including churches) are opening up more here in Vera Cruz, after extended or recurring lockdowns. Please pray as we begin visiting pastors to develop relationships with them. Our goal is to start a pastoral association in this area, through which they can encourage, support, and pray for one another. We also plan to offer training seminars to their church leadership.

   Our ballet princesses enjoy our encounters so much! On June 17, we emphasized memorizing Scripture. Then on July 1st, we talked about the importance of fellowship. Please continue to pray for their spiritual growth. We are thankful for Joseane who recently volunteered to join our team and is taking great pleasure in serving the Lord in ways she never imagined!

   Roxanne and Jiliani also did an afternoon coffee with a dozen of the girls’ mothers. Roxanne spoke about how God created them and has given them a choice to obey Him or choose their own path. They then “created” some artwork to take home to remember His creative work in their lives. Pray for the mothers, that they will make the choice to follow Him. Our next afternoon with the mothers will be Saturday, July 17.

   Robert’s online Genesis class in Spanish grows every week, as excited students tell others! He has almost thirty students every Friday evening (9:30 – 11:30 pm Brazilian time!). Soon he expects to translate all his power points into Portuguese, so he can also teach it to Brazilian audiences.

   The two neighboring families, with whom we have been having coffee and studying the Bible, have finally recovered from a bout with Covid19, and are ready to resume our weekly fellowship and Bible study meetings. We met with one of them on July 3rd at their house, and we were encouraged when the gal’s sister and her husband showed up for coffee and said they’d like to join us to study the Bible with their relatives!

After much hard work on behalf of Roxanne and her book team, it looks like book two in her series of cozy murder mysteries will be coming out this month! Be on the lookout for Eyes Wide Open! If you haven’t read her first book, High-Profile Murder, it is available on Amazon.

We are grateful for your prayers. May the Lord bless you all with His peace and joy!

Robert and Roxanne

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Junio, 2021

¡Ya reiniciamos! Luego de varias semanas de cierre de muchos establecimientos, ya tuvimos unas 30 niñas de ballet en nuestra “Tarde de Princesas”. Les enseñamos la importancia de construir sus vidas sobre un fundamento firme, con base en Lucas 6. Luego, el Sábado en la mañana, justo antes de la clase de ballet, Jiliani les habló sobre el Espíritu Santo y oramos por ellas. Sentimos el mover del Espíritu en sus corazones y vidas. Por favor mantengan a estas preciosas niñas en sus oraciones para que crezcan en el Señor. Muchas de ellas provienen de situaciones familiares muy difíciles.

También nos hemos reintegrado al grupo de alabanza de la iglesia presbiteriana local, además de la predicación y enseñanza, ahora que las iglesias han reabierto sus puertas para actividades presenciales. Zoom y Google Meet han sido grandes herramientas para que Roberto enseñe cursos bíblicos, como el de Génesis, recién iniciado, con alumnos desde Costa Rica, Honduras, y pronto desde EE.UU. y México. Esperamos empezar un estudio en portugués para brasileiros en pocas semanas.

Nuestra reciente visita a nuestros amigos Philip y Rita en la ciudad de Caruarú, unas 5 horas al sur de nosotros, durante un fin de semana, fue un maravilloso tiempo de bendición. Fue muy bueno poder ver el ministerio que han construido durante los últimos 25 años, además de poder participar en la predicación, la enseñanza y la alabanza. Roberto predicó tres veces y dio un estudio para varones, mientras que Roxana enseñó la Palabra en el estudio de mujeres. Roberto incluso tradujo un canto del español al portugués para luego enseñarlo a ellos. Nos extendieron la invitación para regresar en cualquier momento y predicar, enseñar y dirigir alabanza con ellos.

De camino a casa, pasamos a visitar la base de JUCUM y a nuestros amigos allí, quienes dirigen dicho centro. Pudimos ver su nueva cafetería recién inaugurada, donde esperamos que nuestra hija Julianna pueda apoyarlos como voluntaria. Por favor oren por todos los arreglos y trámites necesarios para que nuestra hija nos pueda acompañar en Brasil, esperamos que en setiembre de este año.

Dios respondió a nuestras oraciones en cuanto a la propiedad para la escuela. ¡Ya pertenece a nuestra nueva asociación! Oremos por dirección de Dios en cuanto a su desarrollo. Continúen orando por nuestros documentos de residencia en Brasil. También oren por Ted y Patty, ya que su boda se tuvo que posponer, debido al cierre de oficinas consulares por la pandemia. Patty probablemente no podrá obtener su entrevista final aquí en Brasil por varios meses más, ya que hay muchas entrevistas pendientes acumuladas. Sabemos que Dios tiene el control de todo. ¡Sea su nombre exaltado por siempre! 

Robert y Roxanne

June, 2021

We are back at it! We had about 30 ballet girls at our “Afternoon For Princesses” where we taught them about the importance of building their lives on a firm foundation from Luke 6. Then on Saturday morning before their actual ballet class, Jiliani talked to them about the Holy Spirit and we prayed over them. We could sense His moving in their hearts and lives. Please keep these precious girls in your prayers that they will grow in the Lord. Many of them come from dysfunctional families.

We are also back to leading worship and participating in the local Presbyterian church through preaching and teaching now that everything has reopened. Zoom and Google Meet have been great tools for Robert to teach Bible studies on the book of Genesis with people from Costa Rica and Honduras. We hope to start one in Portuguese in the near future.

Visiting our friends Phil and Rita in Caruaru for a weekend brought a wonderful time of blessing. It was great to see the ministry they have built over more than 25 years and to participate by preaching, teaching, and singing in worship. Robert preached three times, taught a men’s Bible study and Roxanne taught a women’s Bible study. Robert even translated a song from Spanish to Portuguese to sing for them. We have a standing invitation to return to preach, teach, and lead worship with them.

On the drive home, we swung in to visit the YWAM base and our friends there. We were able to see the new coffee shop they have started where we hope our daughter Julianna can participate as a volunteer. Please pray for everything to fall into place for Julianna to join us in Brazil, hopefully in September of this year.

God answered prayers concerning the property for the school. It now belongs to our association! Pray for God’s guidance in its development. Continue to pray for the acceptance of the Association by the government and for our residency papers. Pray too for Ted and Patty as their wedding has had to be postponed because of offices being closed due to the pandemic. Patty will probably not be able to get the final interview here in Brazil for several months yet as there is a huge backlog. As you can imagine, this has thrown a monkey wrench in their plans, but we know the Lord is in control. May He be forever praised!

Robert and Roxanne

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

May, 2021

   Despite the lockdown, we have managed to create a board for our new non-profit, ATV (Associação Transformando Vidas – Transforming Lives Association). Over the last couple of weeks, we (Ted, Patricia, Robert, and Roxanne) have met with each of the candidates for our board and all of them have said yes! We also made the decision to leave the current school as is, and build the middle and high school on the new property we’re in the process of purchasing under the new association. The children from the existing Mãos Unidos school (United Hands) will graduate from grade five (the end of their elementary school cycle) and move to the new school for middle school (sixth through ninth grades) and then high school (tenth through twelfth grades). The new property (we trust the paperwork will be completely finalized this month!) has a house on it, which we can adapt to be used for our upcoming sixth-grade class next year, while the middle school facility is being built.

         TOP:  Property we are purchasing to build the new school.

       BOTTOM:  Our interview with Fatima and her husband (center).

   Roxanne has been asked to be the Director of the new school. We interviewed Fatima about the possibility of being Assistant Director and she readily accepted. With tears in her eyes, Fatima explained that she has been buying lottery tickets over the last couple of years (her sister won the lottery a few years back!) with the hopes that a jackpot win would allow her to build a school like the one we described to her. Fatima is a math teacher, she served as Secretary of Education here in Vera Cruz for several years and is about to graduate from teacher’s college at the age of sixty. She has heard in her teacher’s college classes of a system where the students have an extended day at school to include other topics like music, gym, and art, but has never seen such a school! That which so many take for granted in North America would be her dream come true in the rural Northeast of Brazil!

Left: Pastoral couple, co-laborers with our new association.
Right: Ted Kerr (our sponsor) and Patricia Reis (his fiancée).

Please pray for:

The property sale to be finalized so that we can take possession of the property and begin renovations on the house.

The government approval for our new association.

Our residency to be approved before our trip North at the beginning of August for Ted and Patty’s wedding.

Solid, healthy relationships with all those involved in the ministry here.

For God’s provision and protection over our children and granddaughters back in Canada.


The Lord just gave us two precious additions to our family. Three-month-old kittens, Copper and Daisy, are brother and sister. Their mother was a pregnant Siamese rescued from the street. Though obviously mixed, they have some Siamese traits, the blue eyes and darkened tips. They live up to the term “Scaredy Cats,” as they only allow the two of us to get close to them! They curl up at the foot of our bed each night and they wake us up each morning by nipping at our moving toes and chasing each other over our sleeping bodies! It is surely a sweeter wake-up call than our noisy neighbour blaring his music!

   In Christ's love, from Northeastern Brazil,
Robert & Roxanne