Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nov.-Dec., 2010

Oscar Noé and Mari are Pastor Manuel’s next door neighbors. In fact, they are his brother and sister-in-law. A couple of weeks ago we attended Oscar’s graduation from Bible Institute. A few days later he called us and said he was ready and available to serve and asked if we have something for him to do. Do we ever! We met with him and his wife and presented the idea of running the children’s library, which is located just a couple of blocks from their house. They are great with kids and are known in the neighborhood. Oscar took us to a nearby school and the vice principal was very enthusiastic about the project. When the next school year starts up, at the beginning of February, she’ll be sending the kids our way. We have until then to get the room painted, filled with books and educational toys, and to train Oscar and his wife, Mari, to run this new ministry. We will work with them for the first few weeks, before we turn it over completely to them. Please pray for God’s guidance in our preparations.

Robert’s online Masters course on the book of Isaiah has inspired his recent preaching in various churches, as well as our daily devotions at home. God has spoken mightily to us through this incredible book. On a rainy Sunday, at the beginning of December, we set out on a very muddy climb up to a little village church in the mountains, where we led worship and Robert preached about the foretold coming of the Prince of Peace (from Isaiah, naturally), and the reason for His miraculous birth.

With Christmas right around the corner, there is always a lot of activity. Julianna has been busy with daily dance rehearsals, and we all enjoyed her year-end performances on Dec. 9, 10, and 11. And on the 12th, she got to act and sing in a Christmas play at the English church. Robert helped the music teacher at David’s school with their children’s Christmas choir. He also organized an evangelistic Christmas caroling event with an adult choir from the church in Choloma. In both cases, these groups sang carols in a mall in two different cities, amidst a myriad of holiday season shoppers.

Since Dec. 18 we’ve been in our old stomping grounds. We’ll be spending Christmas with Robert’s relatives in Costa Rica. But that is just an added bonus to our trip. Our main purpose is to renew passports, visas, and other paperwork that we need to get done the first week of January. Please pray for safety in our travels and success in our important errands.

We’d like to leave you with these words from Isaiah 55: “May you go out with joy and be led forth in peace”, as you seek to share our common hope with those around you this month! May God’s blessing rest on each and every one of you during Christmas and in the New Year!

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Octubre, 2010


“Akeko ofana no Gesu!” (“¡No hay nadie como Jesús!”), es un emocionante canto de alabanza, en el idioma Khosa, que Roberto disfrutó, al aprenderlo de un talentoso grupo musical, nativo de Ciudad del Cabo. Fue uno de los momentos cumbre de su tiempo allá, durante el día de visitación ministerial. El Congreso Lausana de Evangelización Mundial reunió a casi cinco mil líderes clave de 198 naciones, para bregar con los retos que encara la Iglesia en su crecimiento y el extendimiento del evangelio. Conforme se reunían alrededor de las mesas, para buscar estrategias y orar diariamente por las distintas regiones del mundo, el menú incluía temas como la reconciliación racial y denominacional, hostilidad anticristiana, doctrinas extremas, conformidad e indiferencia y el polifacético desafío urbano. “Dios Se Está Moviendo,” también fue un enfoque diario, mostrando la emocionante y milagrosa obra que nuestro Príncipe de Paz está realizando entre su pueblo, contra todo pronóstico, en zonas de acceso restringido. Las sesiones kilométricas dentro de la cabina de interpretación se vieron mitigadas por el maravilloso ambiente de adoración y servicio que permeaba aquel lugar. “Fue un enorme privilegio y bendición servir a los siervos de Dios, alabar a nuestro Señor en unidad, bajo la dirección de los hermanos africanos, y elevar nuestras peticiones juntos delante del Trono de Gracia, al lado de consiervos de cada pueblo y nación y lengua… una antesala del cielo,” relató Roberto, al meditar sobre la experiencia, con un nudo en la garganta y los ojos llorosos. “He sido inspirado, renovado, animado, y desafiado. Cuánto he apreciado la disposición de servicio y la obra que Dios está realizando a través de muchos nuevos amigos en otras regiones del mundo.”

América Central

Mientras tanto, en Honduras las cosas no fueron tan edificantes ni alentadoras. Roxana y los niños tuvieron que lidiar con la deteriorada salud de nuestra mascota, quien había sido parte de nuestra familia desde antes de tener hijos. Nuestro gato siamés, Nicky, venía sufriendo de convulsiones y, como ya no respondía al medicamento, tuvieron que dormirlo estando Roberto de viaje. Extrañamos a nuestro pequeño y fiel compañero, que estuvo con nuestra familia por catorce años. También, durante la ausencia de Roberto, ¡David tuvo semana de exámenes!

Este lado del mundo ha sido “rociado” por una abundancia de precipitación en este mes. Amplia destrucción ha occurrido; muchas casas, carreteras y puentes han sido arrasados por las inundaciones. En Costa Rica hay al menos 20 muertes confirmadas, otro tanto de desaparecidos, más 300,000 damnificados.

Tristemente, ha sucedido otra balacera en la comunidad de Rivera Hernández, a pocas cuadras de la iglesia que ayudamos a fundar. Esta vez, 15 personas fueron asesinadas, incluyendo a dos jóvenes cristianos. Pidamos a Dios que obre en el corazón de quienes sobrevivieron el ataque, para que reconozcan que Dios tiene un propósito para sus vidas. Oremos por sanidad y paz en esta violenta comunidad. Oren también por nuestra continua protección y la del pastor Manuel y su familia, conforme servimos juntos allí.

Como siempre, agradecemos mucho sus oraciones por nosotros. Dios ha sido fiel en protegernos, proveer nuestras necesidades y usarnos para su honra y gloria. ¡Alabado sea su nombre por los siglos!

Roberto, Roxana, David y Julianna

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

October 2010 Update

South Africa

“Akeko ofana no Gesu!” “There is no one like Jesus!”, is one exciting praise song, in the Khosa language, that Robert enjoyed learning from an indigenous group of Cape Town. It was one of the highlights of his time there, during a ministry-tour day. The Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization gathered almost five thousand key leaders from 198 nations, to wrestle with the issues facing the growth of the Church and spread of the Gospel. As they met around tables to share, strategize, and pray daily for different areas of the world, topics like racial and denominational reconciliation, anti-Christian hostility, extreme doctrines, conformity and indifference, and the multifaceted urban challenge were on the diverse leadership menu. God Is On The Move, was also a daily focus, showing the exciting and miraculous work our Prince of Peace is doing among His people, against the odds, in restricted access areas. The long hours in the Spanish interpretation booth were mitigated by the exhilarating, praiseworthy environment. “It was such a privilege and blessing to serve God’s servants, to praise our Lord in unity, being led by the Africans, and to bring our petitions together before the Throne of Grace, with fellow servants from every tribe and nation and tongue… a foretaste of Heaven,” declared Robert, as he reminisced on the experience with a knot in his throat and watery eyes. “I have been inspired, refreshed, encouraged, and challenged. I appreciated the servant hearts and the work God is doing through many new friends in other parts of the world.”

Central America

Meanwhile, back in Honduras, things were not nearly as exciting or uplifting. Roxanne and the kids had to deal with our ailing pet, who had been in our family since before our children! Our Siamese cat, Nicky, suffering with convulsions and no longer responding to medication, had to be put down while Robert was gone. We miss the little guy, who was a faithful companion to us for fourteen years. Also during Robert’s absence, David had exams, ugh!

This part of the world has been doused by an abundance of precipitation this month. Much destruction has occurred, with many homes, roads, and bridges washed away or damaged. In Costa Rica there are at least 20 confirmed deaths, 19 others missing, plus 300,000 who have suffered great material loss.

Sadly, there has been yet another shooting in Rivera Hernandez, only a few blocks from our church plant. This time 15 people were murdered, at least two young Christian men among them. Pray for God to especially work in those whose lives were spared, that they may recognize that God has a purpose for their lives. Pray for healing and peace in this violent community. Pray, too, for our continued protection and that of Pastor Manuel and his family as we work there.

As always, we are very grateful for your prayers for us. God is faithful to protect us, provide for us, and use us for His honor and glory. Glory be to His name!

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

September 2010


Like father, like son, the saying goes. As the new school year started, David quickly made friends in seventh grade and was voted in as president of his class. Two days later, Robert was voted in as president of the parents’ association! This is going to be one crazy school year! Robert continues his masters studies in Christian Leadership, studying the book of Isaiah this semester, and Roxanne is homeschooling Julianna (grade 4).


Celebrations abound around our house in September. Julianna turned 10 on Sept. 6 and we held a fun party at home with some of her closer friends. Then, on Sept. 10, Robert turned 50 and we gathered some of his closer Honduran pastor friends to join us in thanking God for this milestone. Lastly, Sept. 15 is Independence Day for five Central American nations, so we traveled to Tegucigalpa to join in on the festivities at the Costa Rican embassy. We took advantage of the holiday to visit various pastors on the way back, whom we don’t get to see very often.


The room was buzzing with talk and laughs as the parents and teachers of the little school at the Choloma church tried to win their “people bingo” at our first “school for parents” workshop. Then they listened attentively and participated with enthusiasm, as we led them in a Bible study regarding their responsibilities as parents. It was a very pleasant and encouraging evening for all.

Over 40 enthusiastic leaders received Robert’s teaching on “Characteristics of a Biblically Successful Leader” in a church in Rio Blanquito on September 26th. It is one of the nine daughter churches of the one in Choloma where we attend.

New Stuff!

We’ve had several meetings with some leaders that God has placed in our path, regarding future ministry among youth. We’ve had a growing burden to start a youth group that would be similar to the one Robert attended when he came to Christ, that we might reach many teens in this city. Robert has also had meetings regarding the possibility of teaching biblical principles and values in businesses, using a new book published by Professionals to the World, the organization for which he has translated in the universities for several years. Please pray with us for God’s guidance in these two new avenues of ministry.


The last day of September and the first two of October found us enjoying the fellowship of other missionaries here in Honduras at the Annual Missionary Family Retreat. Our speaker, Roy Comrie, from Zimbabwe, was inspiring and challenging. David and Julianna were thrilled with the rare opportunity to play with other missionary kids from all over Honduras. The only down side of the whole weekend was when Juli tripped and fell, scraping her face from chin to forehead, and chipping a tooth. Thankfully, she didn’t break her nose. Please pray for her quick healing without scars.


Please remember Robert in your prayers in October as he heads to Cape Town, South Africa. Pray for traveling mercies and for strength, energy, and wisdom as he translates each day during this strategic and historic event. He will be gone from October 10th until the 29th. Pray, too, for Roxanne and the kids as they stay behind in Honduras.


And we mustn’t forget this beautiful but violence-ridden country in our prayers. This month senseless massacres have occurred, which leaves family members reeling in pain. Not to mention the incessant rains, which have caused terrible flood damage.

We are thankful for your prayers, which sustain us in this needy place. The Lord is answering them and keeping us safe. Please, keep ‘em coming!

In His hands of mercy,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

Thursday, September 9, 2010

August 2010 update

“My God shall supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:19)

As missionaries, we live by faith that God shall supply our needs, for the most part through the generosity of His people. In July, our rent was paid through the gift of a friend in Pittsburgh. August’s rent was covered by a church here in Honduras.

When we went on furlough, we thought the plane tickets would be paid for by selling our car, but that didn’t happen. So, on the plane ride north we prayed, “Lord, we need $5,000 to pay for these plane tickets!” A sweet, elderly woman (angel) came up to us one Sunday in June, after a church service in Canada, where Robert had just preached, and said she wanted to send us a donation, and asked how to go about doing that. To our surprise, she was the answer to our prayer!

This month, besides the usual bills, our challenge is paying for David’s schooling, for his tuition, uniforms, and books. Next month, it’s covering Robert’s airfare to South Africa! Yes, he’s been invited by the Lausanne Committee to be one of the simultaneous interpreters for the World Evangelization Conference in October. The Lausanne Committee covers room and board, but they are asking all the participants to cover airfare. God and His people always pull through.

Since coming to Honduras, one of our goals was to start a library/after school program for children. After four and a half years, it is finally becoming a reality! This month a group of diligent and skillful workers came from California to build book shelves, a platform, a counter and cabinets for our children’s center in Rivera Hernandez. It is located in a building that was once a factory and has been transformed into a training center to teach skills, such as the use of the computer, English, woodworking, welding, hairdressing, or baking, that can help people find jobs or start their own little business. This children’s center will provide a safe haven for local children, where they can get help with their homework, read a book, play a table game or create a craft while their mom is out working in a nearby factory until dusk. Hopefully, we can get this center up and running in in October or November, as we locally seek donations of second hand books and games for the kids to use.

Thank you to all who make our serving God here in Honduras a reality by your generous gifts! If you are not part of our support team but would like to be, either on a monthly basis or with a one time gift, the information of how to do that is in the right hand column of this blog. We will be honored and blessed if you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to help cover any one of the needs mentioned. Thank you for standing in the gap for us.

And now, unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever, amen!

Rejoicing in His goodness,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna

P.S. Don’t forget Julianna’s 10th birthday on Sept. 6 and Robert’s 50th on Sept. 10! I know they’d love to hear from you on their special days.

The beginning of our interactive children's library!

Text Color

Agosto, 2010

“Mi Dios, pues, suplirá todo lo que os falte, conforme a sus gloriosas riquezas en Cristo Jesús.” (Fil. 4:19)

Como misioneros, vivimos por fe, creyendo que Dios suplirá todas nuestras necesidades, mayormente por medio de la generosidad de Su pueblo. En julio el alquiler mensual de nuestra casa acá fue pagado gracias a la generosidad de un amigo en Pittsburgh. La renta de agosto fue cubierta por una iglesia amiga de Honduras.

Cuando salimos en nuestro viaje de licencia (furlough), a finales de mayo, pensamos que podríamos comprar los boletos aéreos vendiendo nuestro carro, pero no logramos venderlo. Así que un tarjetazo y una oración en pleno vuelo… “Señor, ¡necesitamos cinco mil dólares para pagar por estos boletos de avión!” Dos semanas después, una dulce ancianita (angel disfrazado) se nos acercó un domingo, luego de que predicó Roberto en una iglesia en Canadá, y nos dijo que quería enviarnos una donación, preguntando cómo sería el procedimiento. Para nuestra sorpresa, ¡su ofrenda fue la respuesta celestial cabal a nuestra petición!

Este mes de agosto, aparte de todas las cuentas habituales, nuestro desafío incluye la matrícula del colegio de David, uniformes, útiles, etc. En septiembre, ¡debemos buscar varios ofrendantes para cubrir los gastos de viaje de Roberto a Sudáfrica! Sí, oyeron bien. A Roberto lo invitaron a trabajar como intérprete simultáneo en el Congreso Mundial de Evangelización, auspiciado por el Comité de Lausana, a realizarse en octubre en Ciudad del Cabo, África del Sur. Los organizadores cubrirán los gastos de dos semanas de hotel y alimentación, pero le piden a todos los obreros colaboradores (conferencistas, intérpretes y asistentes de logística) que cubran sus propios gastos de viaje. Una vez más, confiaremos que Dios nos suplirá lo necesario a través de su pueblo. Este evento es muy estratégico y de enorme trascendencia para el futuro de la Iglesia y el avance del Reino de Dios. Roberto dice: “Será un enorme privilegio, y el regalo de Dios para mis 50 años, poder servir de facilitador con mis dones, al lado de consiervos líderes de todas partes del mundo. Quiero ayudar a hacer una diferencia allí, ser instrumento de bendición y ser grandemente bendecido.”

Desde que nos mudamos a Honduras, una de nuestras metas era crear una biblioteca infantil interactiva para después de clases. Luego de cuatro años y medio, ¡al fin el proyecto se está tornando en realidad! Este mes un grupo de expertos ebanistas vinieron desde California para construir gabinetes, libreros, una plataforma y un mostrador para nuestro futuro centro infantil, el cual funcionará muy cerca de la comunidad de Rivera Hernández. Está ubicado dentro de un edificio que fue una fábrica, y que está siendo tranformado en un centro de capacitación vocacional. Allí se impartirán clases de belleza, inglés, computación, panadería, soldadura y ebanistería, todo con el propósito de facilitarle a muchos la consecución de un buen empleo o de iniciar su propio negocio. Esta biblioteca será un lugar seguro para que los niños de la zona reciban ayuda con sus tareas escolares, disfruten de un libro o un juego educativo y aprendan de la Palabra de Dios, mientras sus madres trabajan en las fábricas. Esperamos poder inaugurar dicho centro infantil en octubre o noviembre de este año. Mientras tanto, estaremos recaudando los fondos, libros y juegos necesarios para arrancar con este programa.

Muchísimas gracias a todos los que nos apoyan para que nuestro servicio a Dios en Honduras sea una realidad. Si deseas unirte a nuestro equipo de apoyo, ya sea con una donación única o en forma mensual, por favor escríbenos al correo: o llámanos por skype a: gregosinhonduras

Fechas especiales: Julianna cumplió diez años el 6 de septiembre y Roberto llegará al medio siglo de vida el 10 de septiembre.

Regocijándonos por Su bondad

Roberto, Roxana, David y Julianna

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


En abril de este año unos niños, incluyendo dos hijos de nuestro amigo, el pastor Manuel Bonilla, esperaban afuera del templo al final del culto del domingo en la noche, mientras el pastor cerraba las aulas y oficinas. De repente, una mara (pandilla) de unos 15 jóvenes abrieron fuego contra nuestros chicos desde la esquina, vaciando por completo sus armas automáticas AK-47 y M16. Al escuchar las balas rebotando de los columpios de metal, los chicos se lanzaron al suelo para protegerse, donde la lluvia de proyectiles ahora impactaban sobre la calle de tierra, rociándoles sus caras de tierra. Los mareros pensaron que los habían matado a todos y se fueron. ¡Pero el ejército angelical ya había sido desplegado a velocidad de rayo para escudar a estos niños! Para la gloria y alabanza de nuestro Amante y Todopoderoso Padre Celestial, ¡ni uno solo de los chicos sufrió siquiera un rasguño por las balas! Luego supimos que la mara andaba tras cierto sujeto para matarlo. Al ver a los niños al frente de la iglesia, decidieron exterminarlos a todos por si acaso su presa pudiera estar entre ellos, sin darse cuenta del grave error que cometían. Cientos de casquillos de balas de diversos calibres alfombraban la polvorienta calle, cuales poderosos testigos mudos del manto de protección provisto en aquel día por las huestes celestiales de nuestro Señor. ¡Que el milagro ocurrido esa noche sea un heraldo a toda la comunidad del majestuoso y omnipotente Dios a quien servimos! Por favor continúen orando por protección divina, para todos los que semanalmente se congregan y para quienes laboramos en la iglesia de la enorme y violenta comunidad de Rivera Hernández.

Enero - Mayo, 2010


Nuestro primer seminario de Educación Cristiana del año se llevó a cabo en una iglesia en Choloma en la segunda semana de Enero, con una asistencia de unas treinta personas.

El nuevo año inició de manera muy diferente de lo esperado. En febrero tuvimos que mudarnos de casa. David había estado teniendo dificultades para respirar, así que lo llevamos al especialista para realizarle varios exámenes. Resultó ser por el parqueo de tierra que construyeron justo al frente de nuestra casa. Así comenzó la búsqueda de una nueva casa. Hallamos una al fondo del mismo residencial, donde es más tranquilo y con mucho menos humo y polvo.


Este año, en febrero, una nueva escuela nació en Choloma. Lleva el nombre de nuestro amado amigo y consiervo, el veterano pastor Oscar Murillo, y funciona en las aulas de escuela dominical de la Iglesia Reformada Central de Choloma. Este es un proyecto que ayudamos a impulsar desde hace dos años. ¡Hoy es finalmente una realidad!

Otro nuevo ministerio que se hizo realidad allí en este año es un instituto bíblico para pastores y líderes. Roberto ya enseñó un curso de Hermenéutica a dos grupos de líderes, de febrero a mayo.


Una llamada telefónica sorpresiva, del pastor Carlos Chacón de Costa Rica, en marzo, provocó que cuatro personas asistiéramos a una conferencia para pastores y líderes en San José. El pastor Saúl Madrid y su esposa Claudia nos acompañaron a Roberto y Roxana a un fin de semana refrescante e inspirador, repleto de enseñanza, adoración y tiempos de oración unos por otros. Pocas semanas después recibimos la visita de Carlos Chacón, junto con varios pastores de Tegucigalpa, para animarnos en el ministerio. Luego Roberto tuvo el privilegio de predicar un domingo en la naciente congregación del pastor Saúl Madrid, en el pueblo de Cofradía, donde el Espíritu Santo se derramó sobre muchos de los presentes. ¡Bendito sea el Señor!


En abril Roberto dio una conferencia sobre el diseño de Dios para nuestro servicio, en la pequeña congregación en Colinas del Canadá, a unos treinta minutos al sur de San Pedro Sula. En este lugar habíamos pintado las aulas y realizado una capacitación y campaña evagelística infantil hace dos años. También hemos dado otros talleres allí.

Roberto logró completar con excelencia otro curso en el seminario teológico ProMETA, por internet, de enero a mayo. Disfrutó mucho del análisis, la relevancia y el desafío de aplicabilidad para el contexto local.

Fechas especiales:

Roxana celebró su cumpleaños el 22 de febrero. ¡El 9 de marzo tuvimos nuestro 19º aniversario! Y el 28 de marzo recordamos el enorme gozo de ser padres por primera vez, ¡con el nacimiento de nuestro hijo David hace ya 12 años! ¡Bendito sea el Señor por su infinita bondad y misericordia!

Estamos muy agradecidos con Dios por su amistad, sus oraciones y apoyo a lo largo de estos años. ¡Que el Dios de toda gracia bendiga sus hogares grandemente!

Roberto, Roxana, David y Julianna

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Leading worship at Sunday service

Robert teaching at pastors' retreat

Family with typical Costa Rican oxcart

June - July, 2010

“Home is where you hang your hat”, is a popular and true refrain. We enjoyed our furlough in Canada and Pennsylvania, but it is good to “hang our hats” again here in Honduras! Roxanne’s sister’s wedding was beautiful. We were able to spend quality time with each of her siblings, mother, and with friends. The kids even participated in a week-long Christian day camp. We shared in our supporting churches. It was indeed a blessed time! But we are grateful to be “home”! We were gone May 15 to July 14.

No sooner did we arrive but David was off to school, taking a summer math course to brush up on this troublesome subject! He will begin the seventh grade on Aug. 24th. He has been finishing up his last few homeschooling assignments as well, since we didn’t get as much work done on the road as we had hoped! Julianna will continue to homeschool with Mommy for fourth grade.

It was a joy to visit with Pastor Manuel and Loli Bonilla to hear of what God has been doing in our absence at the church plant in Rivera Hernandez. Before leaving on our trip, Robert had expressed his desire to reach out to the other pastors in that precarious community and pray together. Manuel took that to heart and started attending a biweekly meeting with the Fraternity of Pastors of Rivera Hernandez, which now meets in our facility! Robert was blessed to be able to speak to these fellow servants at the meeting in July, about how united prayer can break down the violence of their community, citing the example we experienced years ago in Medellin, Colombia. They were encouraged and challenged to be more united and fervent in prayer for the community and each other. Robert also preached the following Sunday sermon there.

Loli started a women’s Bible study on Thursday afternoons during our absence. She was eager for Roxanne to share with the group. Roxanne spoke to a group of 27 women on using our spiritual armor (Eph. 6).

Robert has also had several planning meetings with Pastor Oscarito from Choloma and the director of the school there. He preached at, and participated in, an all-night prayer vigil to finish off the month.

We are looking forward to a team coming Aug. 9 to help set up the kid’s library in Rivera Hernandez. They will help build the necessary counter and shelves as well as paint to get it ready for us. These Americans also have planned to do children’s programs. We will be aiding them however we can, including translating. Please pray for their safety and that this will be a great time of blessing for them and the community.

September will be a very special month. Our little girl will have reached a double-digit age on the sixth. The big highlight will be her Daddy, though, who will be reaching half a century! Be sure to remember him on Sept. 10th!

As always, we urge you to keep us in your prayers. Safety and finances seem to be at the top of our list these days! Pray, too, for His continued leading in all that we do, that He might be glorified through us. Our prayer is that His blessings be poured out upon you and that His name be lifted high through your lives as well.

Serving our Lord with gladness,

Robert, Roxanne, David, and Julianna Grego

Monday, May 31, 2010

April-May '10 update


The call from Pastor Carlos Chacon, one of our pastors in Costa Rica, took us by surprise. He invited us to a conference called "Communities that transform communities" to take place there at the end of March. Insisting that Robert attend, he offered to pay his expenses. With firm conviction that Roxanne should also go, we quickly found missionary friends to look after our kids and others to cover her costs. Our friends Pastor Saul and his wife, Claudia, were able to come with us, thanks to a member of their church paying their way. What an great weekend!! We were all very blessed and thank God for the time of refreshing and insight. At the end of April Pastor Carlos visited us and Pastor Saul, bringing with him some other pastor friends from Tegucigalpa. We took him to preach at the church in Choloma and Cofradía as well as to minister to Pastor Manuel and Loli of our church plant in Rivera Hernandez. Another glorious, refreshing weekend, touched by God!

The crowd gathered beneath the tents on the empty lot which is now Pastor Saul's new congregation. Robert preached one Sunday night early April and the response was exhilarating. Many were broken as they recommitted their lives to Christ. Robert has also enjoyed teaching his Hermeneutics classes on Fridays at the Bible institute in the church of Choloma.

Two years ago on April 20th, the little church "Iglesia de Amor" was born. As we celebrated our church plant's second anniversary, there was great excitement in the air. Roxanne shared from the Word, reflecting on what God has done to bring us this far and to trust in His faithfulness to complete the work in us. Robert taught the congregation a song based on Phil. 1:6. We watched slides of different events that have taken place in the church over the last two years, including the most recent baptism. Afterwards, we distributed the baptism certificates to the 26 freshly baptized believers, including some who had given their lives to Christ at our Christmas musical! Praise God with us for His goodness and faithfulness to the church in Rivera Hernandez. Our prayer is that it will become a pillar of hope and strength in that very needy shanty town.


A couple of weeks ago some of the youth, including Pastor Manuel's children, were waiting outside the church building after the Sunday evening service, while he locked up. Suddenly, a gang of 15 youth opened fire on them from the corner, emptying complete rounds of their AK-47s and M16s. Upon hearing the bullets bouncing off the metal monkey bars, our youth dropped to the ground to protect themselves, where the shower of projectiles now impacted the dirt road, spraying dirt into their faces. The gang thought they had killed them all and ran away. But the Celestial Army had already been deployed at lightning speed to shield these children! To the glory and praise of our Almighty, loving, Heavenly Father, not one of them were even scratched by those bullets! Later we found out that the gang was looking to kill a certain person whom they thought was among the kids on the playground in front of the church, and decided to just mow them all down, not realizing they were greatly mistaken! The hundreds of empty shells on the dirt road lay as a powerful witness to the umbrella of protection provided that day by our Lord's heavenly host. May the miracle that occurred that day be a testimony to the whole community of the great and mighty God we serve! Please continue to pray, also, for continued protection for all of us who work at and attend the church in Rivera Hernandez.


As we write this, we are in Canada to take part in Roxanne's sister's wedding at the beginning of June and will visit supporting churches here and in Pittsburgh. This first week we have enjoyed time with family and friends, with a special visit with a friend and his family from college that Roxanne hasn't seen in 25 years! What a blessing! We will be gone until mid-July so please pray for us for safety in our travels. Robert finished up another Master's course and is thankful for the break while on our furlough, to just spend time with family and friends. Roxanne will be finished with most of the kids' schooling with just a little to do on the road.

May our Father in Heaven refresh your family with His rich blessings!

The Grego family